~Somewhere Over the (Black) Rainbow~

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You sigh as your eyes sift through the items on the shelves, the little that is left. You and the group had been travelling for two weeks, on foot as the last truck you found had broken down and couldn't be restarted. The entire group was moody, tired, hungry and incredibly OVER the apocalypse and its obstacles. You included.

You glance over at 10k, who's having the same luck. The items on the shelves were either empty, damaged or unhelpful to the group. That's what you got for surviving this long. Bad luck. You notice a door behind the cash register, and curiousity gets the best of you. You slowly creep over to the door and turn the handle, ignoring 10k's hisses of warning. 

As soon as the door creaks open, a Z flies at you, covered in blood and donning the store's staff uniform. You shriek in surprise and quickly pull out a blade from its holder on your thigh, slicing it through its skull. You clutch your chest in relief, breathing heavily as the Z crumples to the ground, lifeless. 10k rushes over to you, anger on his face. He places his hands on your shoulders and stares into your eyes.

'Why didn't you listen to me? You could have died just then!'

You shake your head, letting out a chuckle. He glares at you harder.

'I'm fine, 10. Look! There's another door! Come on!' 

He takes his hands off your shoulders and reluctantly follows you, knife raised in case of danger. You rush to the door, opening it with more care this time. Luckily, nothing flies out at you and the two of you tuck your weapons away, gazing in wonder at the room. 

Shelves are stocked high to the ceiling, just like the store, but this time the shelves aren't as empty and trashed. There are still some cans left, some packages of food that you and 10k hurriedly shove into your packs.

'Look Y/N! Bandages!' 

10k excitedly shoves the bandages and first aid kit into his pack, looking around the shelves for more. You enthusiastically search around other shelves, until you come across something that makes you beam. 


He rushes over to you, excited to see what you've found. A ukulele is hidden in the shelf, a shade of plain light brown. It may look like nothing to others, but to you it made you light up. 

'A ukulele?'

He looks at you in confusion.

'Yeah! I'm taking it!'

'Why would you take it? It's just going to take up room in your pack. Here, take some of these cans.'

You stare at him in confusion.

'The ukulele stays. I have a good idea!' 

He sighs, but lets you put it into your pack.

~ ~ ~

You make your way back to the camp, the group's tired and bored faces transitioning into confusion as they notice you and 10k's beams.

'Please tell me you found something,' Warren greets you. 

10k opens up his pack, cans tumbling out. She beams as well, and the rest of the group cheers. Addy brings you into a hug. 

You all gather around the small fire, eating what you two had found earlier that day. The air was filled with chatter and laughter, a big change from what it was before. 

'I have something for Doc,' You say, as the group is full and laying down around the flames. He tilts his head up, looking at you.

'What is it?' He asks.

You unzip your pack. 'Well, I remember you telling us a while ago that you wished we had some music to cheer us up, and that you used to have a ukulele that you loved to play. When we were looking for food, I found this and knew I had to bring it with me.'

You take out the ukulele, and Doc's face splits into a giant grin. He pulls you into a hug, chuckling. 

'Thank you so much, Y/N. It's beautiful!' He says in wonder, gazing lovingly at the instrument. 

'Go on, play us something,' Addy urges. The rest of the group, even Murphy, nods in agreement. Doc lowers his head bashfully. 

'I'm not good, I promise you.'

He looks at you, and you nod encouragingly. He begins to strum, tuning the ukulele properly. Then, he strums again, finding the right chords and tune. The group smiles in recognition of the song.

'Somewhere, over the rainbow

Way up high.'

You join in on the next line, harmonizing with Doc.

'And the dreams that you dreamed of.

Once in a lullaby.'

The rest of the group join in, filling the night air with the harmony.

'Oh, somewhere over the rainbow,

Blue birds fly,

And the dream that you dreamed of,

Dreams really do come true.'

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