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He couldn't sleep.

No matter how hard he tried to relax, the warm covers surrounding him in his own bubble of warmth and heaven, he just couldn't. The nightmares and memories kept coming back; worse night when he wasn't doing anything and the weight of the day and apocalypse overwhelmed him.

Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his father taking his last breath. The moment that he had been afraid of since the outbreak started, the thing he knew that he would have to do eventually. 

His father had tried to remain optimistic about the whole situation, but 10k knew that from the moment the zombie had bit down on his shoulder that he was going to go. And leave 10k behind. The promise that he made; the promise he hopes that his father knows he kept.

Getting out of bed, 10k slowly creeps down the hallway. It's dark and the only sounds that can be heard are heavy breathing and light snores coming from every doorway. The house is secure and nobody needed to keep watch, so it was relaxing. Everybody was enjoying the peace while it lasted.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He should probably go back to bed - it's possibly the middle of the night and that means less sleep, less energy. Plus, this house is big and comfortable, with queen beds in every room. There's even enough rooms for everyone to have their own, which is calming.

10k stops outside your door, smiling slightly when he hears your light snuffles, a sign of the dreams that you are having. Before he can stop himself, he pushes open the door slightly and walks in. For a few minutes, he just stands there gazing at you.

10k won't admit it, but he has a major crush on you. He admires the way that you're strong, despite everything that you and the group have been through. The way that you slice and stab zombies; brave enough to take watch alone and go first into abandoned buildings. You're funny, bubbly and an easy person to get to know. He loves the way that you make jokes, play games and explain simple things that he doesn't know about - the group usually just gives up on him. 

He can't help that he was raised in a cave.

Along with your personality, 10k also admires how beautiful you are. Your h/l/c hair as it blows in the wind, twirls around with you as you mercy zombies. Your e/c eyes are so mesmerizing and they way that they light up when you're excited; brighten when you laugh. 

You look so peaceful, lost in the world of sleep and dreams. To him you are heaven, curled up in bed with the covers wrapped securely around your shoulders. A smile is plastered on your face and you look delighted. He wonders what you're dreaming about.

10k sighs again, then closes the door behind him. He walks over to the other side of the bed, treading carefully so that he doesn't wake you. Slowly, he lifts up the covers and slips under them.

It's almost a shock to him at how warm it is under the covers in your bed. Due to the house's size, it got cold easily and there was no power to heat the house, hence everybody retreating to their rooms so early to try warm themselves up. The warmth from your sleeping body relaxes him, a contrast to his ice cold one. 10k turns onto his right side and watches you sleep.

You can hear breathing beside you and you turn over, facing him. You snuggle into the pillow and look up at him.


His eyes widen and he begins to stutter.

'I just - you were so peaceful and... I couldn't sleep, I'm sorry.'

You chuckle sleepily.

'It's alright, Ten. You can stay.'

He smiles slowly. 

You both lay in silence for a few minutes, thinking. Suddenly his cold feet touch yours and you gasp, jerking away from him.


'Your feet, Ten! They're like little blocks of ice!'

He moves them quickly and smiles at you.

'Sorry. It's really cold in here. Plus, I was walking around for a while.'

You move over to your original space, closer to him.

'It's okay. Why couldn't you sleep? The beds are comfortable and the house is safe. You should try get some rest, before we get on the move again.'

10k's face turns to sadness.

'I tried. It's just... the apocalypse, you know? Sometimes it catches up with you. Every time I try to sleep, all I can see is my father, and me giving mercy to him. Then there's moments of me killing zombies, mercying them. They used to be people, those with a family. Now they're...'

His voice trails off.

'Ten, it's okay. It's normal to think that. I can't help wondering about the zombies we kill, trying to figure out their lives before this mess happened. Sometimes, I even try to run and leave them be instead of giving them mercy. I know they don't deserve this but I can't kill them, you know?'

He nods in agreement.

'My father... he made me promise to give him mercy before he turned. It was difficult, but I did it. I hope that he knows I kept the promise. I really hope that he does.'

A tear glides down his perfect cheeks, his eyes full of sadness.

You wipe the tear away slowly and look at him.

'He does, Ten. I know he does.'

10k wears a small smile at that comment.

'Now, it's cold. Come on, let's get warmed up.'

You close the gap in between you, wrapping your arms around his torso. He wraps his arms around your waist, after hesitating for a minute. You then bury your face into his chest, and he rests his head on top of yours.

'Goodnight, Ten.'

'Goodnight Y/N.'

And in that moment, everything is perfect. It's like the apocalypse never happened, all of this death and destruction had never hit you. You're calm, relaxed, carefree like you were before all of this happened.

With that thought, you and 10k both fall asleep, perfectly content and warm.

Like a snapshot of what life should have been like.

Yeah, this doesn't really make sense, does it? Oh well, I hope that you enjoyed it or whatever. More to come soon! I have school on which makes it difficult to write but I promise there will be frequent updates on one shots and series, series once in a while but definitely one shots every week.

Love you all xx

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