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Nothing will ever be alright again.

Operation Bitemark has become your family at this point.

Those who slay together, stay together.

Although you have only joined the group a couple of months ago, they respect and treat you like you've been with them since the beginning and you love them so much. Especially your boyfriend, Jack. Jack is a member of the group and has been for a while. He saved you from a horde of zombies in Philadelphia and you have been grateful ever since.

But is it really love that you're feeling, or do you feel like you owe him your love and respect because he saved your life? 

Jack isn't the best person. His personality and view of the world are all wrong, even for the apocalypse. He doesn't respect you like the other members of the group does. He doesn't respect your wishes or opinion; you feel like you're an object to him.

'Let's go!' Warren yells, pulling you out of your daydream and back into reality. You quickly get up from the sidewalk and reach a hand out to 10k, who is laying on it. He takes it and thanks you as you pull him up.

Jack beckons for you to join him in the back of the truck, but Warren stops you from following him. 

'Snipers on the back. We need the sharpest eyes on the lookout, with that group on our tails,' she instructs. You nod and wave goodbye to Jack, who is scowling. You then hop into the truck bed next to 10k, who smiles at you.

Jack doesn't understand why you are affectionate toward him, why you are reluctant to be near him. He doesn't get why you pull away when he leans in for a kiss and cuts you off every time that you explain you don't want to kiss him.

You haven't had your first kiss yet; you want it to be special. You're not even sure that you like Jack as a person, let alone a partner. He's rude and judges people before he knows them and their story. Jack is never a gentleman; he never protects you, sticks by you or offers you the food being served first. He always takes what he wants, has to be right and is the most arrogant person that you will ever meet. 

You're certain that he saved you only to prove a point.

Jack is manipulative. Every time that you pull away from him, he makes it feel like it's all your fault. That you're nothing, don't mean anything to anybody. That you're a flying piece of trash on the sidewalk; left behind with no purpose.

And other times he can make you feel like the only girl in the world. That you are special, important and a goddess that should be respected. On those days he will tell you that he'll be waiting for a kiss when you want to give one. 

Then in the blink of an eye he can switch back to the narcissistic, twisted person that he is. You can never, ever win.

10k, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Every time that you talk, he listens to you and asks you about yourself. He always offers his hand to help you off the truck bed and protects you. Once, he gave you his serving of food because there wasn't enough for everybody. He's kind, compassionate and has a good sense of humour. 

He's everything that you wish Jack could be.

You've tried to end it, you really have. But each time that you've suggested ending the relationship he will threaten you, make you feel low and even hurt himself. He can throw himself at your feet begging for forgiveness then stand back up to his normal self. Once, he even said that he would throw himself into a horde if you ever left him. 

'Y/N?' A voice comes quietly from beside you, breaking you out of your thoughts and worries and making you look at him.

'Yeah?' You reply. He hesitates for a second, taking a deep breath.

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