Horror Movie

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I hope that you enjoy! The Conjuring is one of my favourite horror movies ever :)

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We were all so excited to see the inside of the house, that feels like the apocalypse has never happened. It's luxurious, with a large lounge area and soft beds that I immediately dive on and sink into, despite the sheets not being washed in a few years. 

The snacks. Oh, the snacks. There are endless bags of candy, popcorn and chips that makes us all cheer in delight. Sure, some are a bit stale and they have been open for a few years, but it's the best food we have seen in a long time. 

I'm in the kitchen, taking off my boots and testing my socks against the hardwood floor. Warren's sorting out food on huge platters at the counter, talking to Doc, who's lounging on a rainbow stool. She spots what I'm doing and rolls her eyes with a smile.

"You're going to hurt yourself," She says, with a hint of amusement in her voice. "What are we going to do with a broken neck?"

Doc turns to look at me, his face immediately brightening. "Oh, I love doing that!"

He hops out of his stool and starts to take off his own shoes. He sniffs his sock and gags, his eyes watering at the smell.

'Oh. That... that is not good."

Warren and I burst out laughing, watching Doc wipe his eyes and swivel his feet on the floor. I test myself out for a little slide, gasping in amazement when I fly, almost falling to the floor. I turn back to see Warren cock an eyebrow, before shaking her head and chuckling.

I dash to the hallway by the front door, which has a direct line to the kitchen. Doc races after me and we stand at the front door, laughing.

"Give us a countdown!" I shout to Warren, who shakes her head, placing cookies on a plate.

"No. I am not taking part in any of this," She calls back to us, making us both groan. I turn to Doc, who has disappointment on his face. 

"Then we'll just have to do one ourselves," he says, which makes me nod in agreement. 

"Last one to the counter loses. And has to sit next to Murphy in the van after he's eaten the special muesli bars that he likes," I say triumphantly. 

Doc's face turns sour. "Oh... no you didn't. Well, I hope you like the smell of death. 'Cause you're gonna eat my dust." He lets out a loud laugh.

I smirk. "Bite me, old man!"

We both lean forward, getting ready to race. Then we look at each other and chant, "Three, two, one!"

I take off, pushing off from the wall and gliding through the hallway. I hear Doc groan behind me and I let out a loud string of laughter, the floor feeling like water beneath my feet. Something pushes me from behind and I look to see Doc sailing ahead, cackling evilly. 

I laugh and push off again, catching up to him and colliding into him with my side, bouncing off him and sliding further to the left. We both let out loud laughs as we continue zooming through the hallway, almost reaching the finish line.

I'm speeding ahead by a few inches, when a problem shows up. I'm beelining straight for the end of the counter. My eyes wide with fear, I desperately try to slide to the right in order to dodge it. 

But my foot catches on something on the floor and my gliding is broken suddenly, causing me to go flying through the air. I land on my stomach and roll forward a few steps, breathing heavily in shock. 

I hear Warren yelling in the background and the sound of plates clattering. I hear voices coming closer from the other room and Doc's surprised yell. I lay there for a second, winded. 

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