On the Road

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You've been walking for days and your shoes are ruined. 

The black combat boots that you've been wearing since this whole thing started, fell apart last night. And so did you. 

You had no hope, nothing to help you carry on.

Until you woke up this morning, with an unfamiliar happiness and spring in your step. This wasn't the end of the world... well, okay, technically it was, but this wasn't the end of your world. Not yet. Your story had more chapters to be written.

You put on the new pair of sneakers you carried in your backpack; less comfortable, but could you really do anything about it? Then you threw your precious boots onto the side of the road.

'I'm sorry, Dad,' You whispered as you watched the ruined footwear soar through the air and land on the piles of sand and dead grass. 

Then, you gripped the sides of your backpack and began to walk.


After a few hours of walking, you decided to check your map. Why not find a destination, a place to go? Who said that the apocalypse meant that you couldn't explore the country? 

You marked a town about 2 hours away. If you walked fast enough, you could get there before nightfall. You quickly ate a Twinkie and chugged half a bottle of water before securing your sneaker shoelaces and going on your merry way again.

You felt proud of yourself, your attitude. You weren't laying down and giving up, like you did last night when the soles fell off your boots. You felt new, reborn.

Okay, maybe not that good, but you get what I mean. 

You were lost in thought, thinking of stories and memories from before this whole thing happened. Like the time that your friend dared you to bite a chilli, and she pushed the whole thing into your mouth. Or the time that you put baby powder on your teacher's donuts and got suspended for a week. 

You chuckled to yourself when you heard footsteps. They were approaching fast, as if someone was running toward you. You turned around to look when the person flashed in front of you, grabbing your waist and covering your mouth with your hand. 

You tried to scream, then the person dived backwards into a ditch on the side of the road, pulling you with them. 

You looked next to you to see a boy with beautiful black hair and the most mesmerizing green eyes. You wanted to be mad at him, but you couldn't.

'I'm sorry for the surprise attack. Just keep quiet and out of sight. I'll explain later,' the boy whispered.

You nodded and stayed quiet and knelt down beside him. You could slightly see from over the top of the dry ditch. 

'Come out, pretty girl.'

You heard voices calling out.

'We know that you're out here. Come with us and there will be no harm.'

'We just want a little fun...'

You could see a group of men, a couple old, a couple young, stalking along the road with their weapons raised.

Your eyes widened and you felt sick to your stomach at the sight of them and what they were calling out.

'We will find you.'

'You can run but you can't hide, pretty girl.'

You looked to the stranger next to you, tears brimming in your eyes. His eyes were sympathetic, his face soft. He opened his arms and you welcomed his embrace.

Your head was against his chest, the dark fabric of his shirt. His hands rubbed your back, calming you down. The scent - his scent - of wood, fire and nature made you relax. Soon, you had forgotten about the men.


After what seemed like minutes, but was really hours, the boy let go of you. The men had disappeared.

You looked at the stranger gratefully.

'Hey, sorry for doing that to you. I just... I didn't want them to get you. Are you hurt?' The boy asked.

His voice was soft and worried. 

'Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, so much. It's really nice of you to do that for me. I know people don't look out for people nowadays and I'm really grateful that you did,' You replied.

The boy smiled.

'Of course. It may be the apocalypse, but that's no reason to mistreat a lady. Or anybody, for that matter.'

You smiled back.

'I'm Y/N.'

'I'm 10k,' the stranger replied.

You tilted your head, puzzled at his answer. Then, as if a light bulb had been turned on in your brain, you nodded in realization.

'That's how many you're going to kill, right?'

10k looked at you, a mixture of shock and amazement.

'You're the first person to get it! Yeah, I want to reach ten thousand kills. It's a part of a promise that I made.'

You nodded, smiling widely.

'You have a cut on your cheek. It's bleeding!' 10k gasped.

You touched the wound.

'Oh no, it's okay. I'm okay. You'd better go back to your group. Thank you so much for saving me, though.'

10k chuckled.

'Stop being so tough. We have a doctor - well, an amateur pharmacologist- but he could fix you up. Plus, I don't want those men to come back.'

You laughed.

'So that's the reason why you want me to meet your group?'

10k sighed.

'Fine, I want you to join the group. You look really nice and well...'

You cut him off by more laughing.

'Stop laughing at me!'

You put your arm around his shoulders.

'What are you waiting for? Let's go!'

10k laughed and ran into the middle of the road, heading to the black truck in the distance.

You, however, giggled and sprinted after him, on the road to a new life.

Hey look I'm posting again! Wow, isn't it amazing?! I began this last night and finished it this morning and I'm sort of proud of it ??? Basically, I've got a lot of ideas for one shots so expect more soon :))  

That's it folks! I hope that you enjoyed it and it made you smile a little bit or a lot. Send in any requests for one shots if you want them, and yeah I'll post again soon! xx

Love you all xx

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