The Proposal

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I was searching for different hair colors for the next comeback when I got a text from Mi Ho-unni, "Wear something nice. Your presence is required at the Big Hit building."

I had no idea what is going on, so I put on something nice.

After that, I left the dorm with my keys, phone, and wallet

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After that, I left the dorm with my keys, phone, and wallet. When I was outside, Minho-oppa was waiting for me in his car. I asked, "Are you my ride?"

Minho-oppa nodded and smiled, "I am."

I got in the car and Minho-oppa drove to the building. I asked, "Do you know why I'm needed at the building?"

Minho-oppa smiled, "I do know, but I was told that it's best that you're told in person."

I sighed, but I didn't say anything else. Once we were there, Jungkook was at the door wearing a suit and tie. I said, "Suddenly, I feel underdressed."

Jungkook shook his head, "You look fine, Noona."

Then he handed me a rose and a letter. There was no address or name, but the envelope said, "Open and read aloud."

So, I opened it and read it aloud, "Despite how much it annoys me, you always take care of Jungkook. Who else can get him to calm down when Jin-hyung can't? Your maternal instinct is one of the many things I love about you."

I smiled because I recognize Yoongi's handwriting anywhere. Jungkook smiled and told me, "On to the next place. It was one of the offices in the building and that's where I saw Taehyung also dressed to the nines. I said, "Hello, Taehyung."

Taehyung smiled at me, "Hello, Noona."

He handed me a rose and an envelope. I opened it and read it aloud, "If there's one thing Taehyung and I can agree on, you have no issue letting Taehyung be the unique person that he is. You never make him believe that his ideas are silly or wrong which is a great trait to have. It's also something I still need help with despite my progress."

I looked at Taehyung who seemed touched. Then he led me to a practice room. Jimin was in this one. I said, "How are you, Jimin?"

"I'm fine, Noona," Jimin replied.

He handed me a rose to add to my growing collection and a letter. I opened it and read it aloud, "Honestly, you and Jimin are so similar in some areas, it's scary. You both chip away at people's armor without effort. Also, the moment you two met, I could already tell you adopted him and it shows. It also helps that you're not afraid to talk some sense into him every now and then."

I and Jimin laughed at that. Then he led me to a different office and I saw Namjoon in there. I smiled, "Am I getting closer to the final level?"

Namjoon laughed, "You are, but first, your mission."

He handed me a rose and a letter. I read it aloud, "When it comes to keeping people at their best, you and Namjoon are great. Like he has to look out for us, you look after a team of stylists. You command attention without being rude and I find you being the boss lady that you are extremely sexy."

I chuckled, then looked at Namjoon, "We have the hard jobs."

Namjoon smiled, "Yes, we do."

He led to another practice room and there was Hobi. He smiled, "Having fun, Noona?"

"I am," I replied.

Hobi handed me a rose and a letter. This one said, "You and Hobi bring out my goofy side better than most people. You two know how to get me to loosen up around people. I'll call it the Eunji-Hobi Effect because while one of you is enough, the two of you are more dangerous together because who can resist your combined sunshine?"

I smiled, then Hobi led me to one of the higher offices. Jin-oppa was there and said, "Park Eunji, you are one step closer to the orchestrator, but first, your final letter."

I smiled, then Jin-oppa handed me a rose and a letter. It read, "How did I get two Eommas for the price of one? All joking aside, Jin-hyung was the first to figure out that we loved each other. Thankfully, he didn't push me into confessing before I was ready. Of course, after we told everyone we were together, he was gloating. I'm glad he supports us and is our biggest cheerleader along with Mi Ho."

I was ready to cry, but I managed to keep it together and Jin-oppa led me to the primary practice more that BTS uses. There was Yoongi in the center wearing his suit and the biggest smile on my face. I smiled, "You're the orchestrator."

He nodded, "That I am. Eunji, you've been a part of me since we were born. You're my opposite in many ways, but you compliment me. You see right through me and you're not afraid to call me out on my nonsense. It doesn't hurt that my family loves you, even Appa, though he'll never say it out loud."

Then he went down on one knee. I began tearing up, but he continued while pulling out a ring box, "Park Eunji, will you marry me?"

I nodded, "Yes, I will."

Yoongi stood up, put the ring on my left ring finger, and kissed me. I kissed him back and held him tight. I kissed him again, then I heard cheering from the practice room door. It was the staff, the Styling Trinity, the rest of BTS, and Bang PD-nim. I hid my face in Yoongi's shoulder, then I felt arms wrap around us. I looked up to see Jimin and Hobi hugging us. Jimin said, "Congratulations!"

I smiled, "Thank you."

Then Mi Ho-unni came in and said, "Just so you know, you're not planning the wedding by yourself. Consider me your fairy godsister."

I laughed, "Thank you, Unni."

Jin-oppa said, "Now, let's celebrate! It's dinner time!"

I laugh and follow everyone outside the practice room.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I wrote this one very fast because I had so much fun with it. Next will be a salon day! I pray you're doing well, staying safe, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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