10k Special

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"What?! Noona's sick?!" The maknae line yelled in unison into the receiver when I called Namjoon's phone, causing me to move the phone away from my ear.

"Could you scream a little louder? I don't think the dead heard you," I replied.

"Sorry, hyung," they replied.

"So, you'll be at the house being her nurse?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes, I'll be the nurse that does not get paid," I replied.

"Well, do you need anything? Any food, more medicine, special soaps? We can buy something and bring it to you," Jin-hyung asked.

"We do need some food. You might want to grab something to write with," I retorted.

I heard shuffling in the background, then I heard Jungkook say, "I'm ready!"

I laughed because I expected Jungkook to have paper and a pen ready. I said what we needed and Namjoon said, "Alright, we should have everything ready soon. We'll call when we reach your apartment."

"Thank you," I replied.

Once we hung up, I went to the bedroom to check on Eunji. She's currently dealing with a cold. Eunji managed to get over the headache, but she still has congestion. I fixed her a cup of lemon-ginger and brown sugar tea.

 I fixed her a cup of lemon-ginger and brown sugar tea

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I opened the door and Eunji looked up to see me. She gave me a tired smile and said, "How are the boys?"

I resisted the urge to laugh because I personally find her sick voice cute. I told her, "Well, the maknae line almost made me deaf in one ear, but they are currently buying us groceries."

Eunji sat up in the bed and took a sip of the tea, "Oh, am I receiving a feast?"

I laughed, "As much as you can handle. I don't want you overstuffed."

Eunji slumped over, "Ok. I can deal with that."


As I was looking around, I was absolutely confused. Where is ginger kept around here? Then Jin-hyung touched my shoulder and said, "You walked past the ginger."

I turned around and laughed, "Hiding in plain sight."

"You can admit that you didn't know what it looked like, you know," Jin-hyung told me with a smile.

That would be like admitting defeat and I refuse to. Namjoon noticed my sullen expression and said, "Jungkook, Eunji-noona won't think any less of you if you don't know what ginger looks like."

"I know," I replied.

"How about you grab some carrots?" Jin-hyung asked.

I smiled, "Ok, Jin-hyung."

I walked over to the produce and picked up some carrots that looked good. I noticed Hobi-hyung choosing green vegetables. I asked, "How do you know which ones are good?"

Hobi-hyung looked up at me and smiled, "If you can find the ones with little to no browning on them, they're good."

I smiled and we went to check out with the other members. Jimin-hyung asked, "Do you think Yoongi-hyung will let us see her?"

"Probably, but you might want to wear masks so you don't get sick," Namjoon-hyung told us.

Taehyung-hyung smiled, "We might make her feel better with our energy!"

Jin-hyung laughed, "Who knows?"


Eunji was reading a book that Namjoon recommended when my phone rang. It was Jin-hyung, so I answered, "You're here?"

"Yes, we are and the maknae line is wondering if they can see Eunji. They promised to wear face masks so they won't get sick," Jin-hyung explained.

I groaned, but I said, "They can see her, but tell them not to be too loud."

"I will," Jin-hyung told me, then he hung up.

I walked to the bedroom and said, "Well, they're coming with groceries. The kids also wanted to see you. They promised to wear face masks so they won't get sick."

Eunji nodded, "Ok."

I walked toward the front door and let the maknae line inside. They were wearing face masks and carrying the groceries inside. I said, "She's in the bedroom. Keep her entertained while I cook, alright?"

"Ok, hyung!" they chorused and walked toward the bedroom.


I heard the maknae line respond to Yoongi, then I heard a knock on the door. I asked, "Who is it?"

"It's your loving children. May we please come in?" Taehyung asked.

I chuckled, "Yes, you all may come in."

The door opened and Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook walked in with face masks. I smiled, "Are you my nurses as well?"

Jimin laughed, "No, we are interns here to lift your spirits."

Jungkook pulled three chairs and the three of them sat next to the bed. Jungkook asked, "Will you be well enough before our next comeback?"

I nodded, "I should be. As long as I get enough rest, take the disgusting medicine for as long as I need to, and let Yoongi be my caretaker."


While the maknae line was talking to Eunji, I was making oneof Eunji's favorite foods whenever she's sick; chicken noodle soup.

While I was cooking, I could hear laughter coming from the bedroom. I was thankful for that because that means Eunji is feeling a little better. I smiled and continued to cook.


The maknae line went from telling me jokes to making different funny faces. Then I heard Jungkook ask, "Noona, can you come on vacation with us? Once you're well enough"

I smiled, "Sure. That would be great."

Jimin grinned, "We would have so much fun together."

"Just don't let Jimim-hyung drink too much," Jungkook told me.

I laughed, then I heard a knock on the door and Yoongi said, "Everyone, it's time for Eunji to eat and rest."

The mankae line groaned, but they all stood up and wished me well. Yoongi placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup on the dresser. I smiled, "It smells really good."

Yoongi picked up a spoonful aided by chopsticks. I pouted, "I'm capable of feeding myself."

"Maybe, but you may spill some on yourself and I'm not risking that." Yoongi replied.

I ended up letting him feed me to avoid an argument. Once I ate everything in the bowl, I felt content and sleepy. Before I entered into a restful sleep, I thought about how grateful I am to have Yoongi.

And that's the special! Hello, everyone! Thank you for sticking with me even though I was gone for a while. Since we are in the month of love, I will dedicate the 11k special to the wedding. Naturally, it will be a private wedding that is invite only. I pray that you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the special!

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