Flower Boys Bangtan High School

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Mi Ho-unni and I woke everyone up with the same tagline as a joke, "It's time for school."

Of course, Yoongi has to be the smart aleck and say sarcastically, "Awaken the actual high school student anymore."

I laughed, "You're not a student, but you're a teacher, and you have to enlighten the students' minds."

He knew I was joking because we were filming a short where everyone, with the exception of Taehyung and Jungkook, is faculty members at the school. Yoongi opened his eyes and said, "Kiss me awake?"

"You are not Snow White, Min Yoongi," I replied.

He smiled, then he got up and kissed me anyway, "Maybe not, but I'm still your prince."

I shook my head, smiling, "Get ready, Yoongi."

"Yes, my lady," he responded with a bow.

After that, I walked out of the bedroom to see everyone eating, but Jungkook looked more tired than usual. I asked, "You've been gaming all night, haven't you?"

He sleepily nodded, then I looked in the fridge for something to wake him up with. Thankfully, the peach pie I baked the other day hasn't been touched by anyone thanks to Mi Ho-unni. I walked over to Jungkook and whispered in his ear, "Kookie, if you can stay awake today, I'll let you have the first slice of pie I baked."

Jungkook woke up with a start and grinned, "Really? I'm awake!"

I laughed and everyone followed me and Mi Ho-unni to the van downstairs. I rode shotgun this time because I needed to focus on keeping the guys focused. Jin-oppa, Mi Ho-unni, and Namjoon were in the front row. Hobi, Jungkook, and Jimin were in the second row. Hobi and Taehyung sat in the back. I looked at what I was given for the makeup. Thankfully, everyone was to be given natural makeup which doesn't take long for the guys. We arrived on set and Mi Ho-unni said, "Alright, follow me, gentlemen."

While Mi Ho-unni was helping them sort out the costumes, I was working on the actresses that would appear in certain shots. After that, Taehyung walked over to be and I started working on his hair and makeup. He smiled at me and said, "I'm class representative, Noona. Will you be my teacher?"

I laughed, "No, I do enough teaching at the house with you and the others."

Once he was done, Hobi arrived. I smiled, "The poem they gave you is so cheesy."

"I know, but ARMYs will love the performance," Hobi replied chuckling.

When I was finished with him, Namjoon walked over to me. I looked at him and said, "And I thought you wouldn't get the chance to use your English in a drama short."

Namjoon shook his head, "I'm the kind of English teacher that wouldn't exist in real life."

I laughed, "Maybe not, but one can dream, can they?"

Namjoon smiled, "Yes, I'll let them dream."

Then Jin-oppa walked over to me. He said, "This will be difficult."

I looked at him while I was applying his makeup, "How? Didn't you major in acting?"

"But I'll be acting with a camera, not another person," Jin-oppa told me.

I finished him, then I said, "Just imagine it's Mi Ho-unni if she were a student."

Jin-oppa laughed, then he walked away. Yoongi sat in my chair, then said, "Can you please take your time? I see you're finished with everyone else in 5 minutes."

I chuckled, "That's because I was told to do natural makeup on everyone. That usually takes me 5 minutes."

Yoongi pouted at me, then I said, "Don't give me that look or I'll call you by your cat name."

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