Spring Day MV Making Pt. 1

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Honestly, I hate working during the cold-weather season, but here we are in the snow filming a music video. Right now, we're starting with Taehyung on the train tracks. Thankfully, the train isn't running at the moment, but I still felt bad for Taehyung because he'll be touching extremely cold metal. Of course, Taehyung said, "I'll be fine, Noona."

I smiled and the filming began. Once Taehyung was done, it was time for Jimin to be filmed. I could tell that Jimin was freezing because he was wearing shorts. Once it was time to start filming, Jimin had to remove the thick coat he was wearing so his costume would be shown. I looked at Mi Ho-unni and she already knew what I was going to ask and she said, "The shorts were not my idea. Plus, I had no idea it would be this cold today."

I nodded, "I wasn't going to blame you. I was just curious."

When Jimin was done for the moment, I put his coat on him and he said, "I want to ski. I want to skate also."

I chuckled, "This is the perfect weather for that."

Then he had to return to filming. The guys did one group shot outside, then they were given some time to warm up. The Styling Trinity handed out hand warmers and gloves if it fits them. Jungkook was shivering the most, so Jin-oppa was tending to him. I looked at Hobi and he asked, "Why is it so cold? It's supposed to be a spring day."

We all laughed, then I heard Yoongi and Namjoon complaining. I told them, "We're doing the best we can at the moment."

Yoongi looked at me and said, "You could always huddle with me."

I chuckled, "If I did that, then the maknae line would join us."

Yoongi gave a heavy sigh, "That's true."

I laughed, then the guys had to return to filming. Once that was done, they were given the signal to go inside a small hut for the scene where they walk out. They ran so fast, I nearly missed them. Before filming began, Jimin waved at me smiling. I chuckled, then they had to film again. Once that was done, it was already nighttime and Jungkook had to be near the merry-go-round. Jungkook was done with the cold, but he had to keep going. When he was done, everyone was warming up again. Hobi tried to lighten the mood by saying to Jin-oppa, "Can you tolerate this?"

Jin-oppa looked ready to cry, then the guys had to stand in front of the merry-go-round and walk around Jungkook before he eventually joined them. After that, it was time for the clothes pile. I asked Mi Ho-unni, "How in the world did you manage to get all those clothes?"

"You'd be amazed the number of donated clothes get discarded, so I just took them off some people's hands," Mi Ho-unni replied.

Minho-oppa laughed, "You never fail to amaze and scare me at the same time."

I laughed, then I saw Taehyung searching through the clothes. I was about to ask what he was looking for, then he just sat down and said, "I'm not meant to do this."

I smiled and retorted with a smile, "Not all of us are."

Then he saw a red beret and wore it for a moment. Yoongi climbed to find his spot in the pile of clothes and he sent the occasional finger heart in my direction. While he was filming, I could tell he was trying not to fall asleep, which I understood. I saw Jimin and Hobi goofing around while they were waiting, but I let them do it because I learned a long time ago that they'll get bored if we told them to stay still. Once Yoongi was done, he practically leaped from the pile of clothes and hugged me. I smiled, "You can breathe a little now."

Yoongi chuckled, "Who's next?"

"The other half of SOPE," I replied.

It was time for Hobi's scene on top of the train. Thankfully, the train wasn't moving and the passing terrain was the result of a film reel on a screen. I was proud of Hobi because the last time we dealt with a train, he was more than ready to get off of it. Now, he was about to do his scene without too many issues. After that, Hobi got down from the train and he said, "Time to go shopping."

I laughed, "I'm not sure if you'll be allowed to keep some of the clothes, but have fun."

The guys gathered around the pile of clothes and tried on various pieces. The one that made me laugh the most was Taehyung wearing a skirt that I'm sure a girl version of him would wear. Once everyone was settled in the clothes, I saw Yoongi messing with Hobi's calf. I laughed, "SOPE indeed. Should I worry?"

Minho-oppa chuckled, "You'll be fine. He wouldn't leave you for Hoseok."

I chuckled, "Thanks, Minho-oppa."

Once that scene was done, the first day was over. We all went home and I cooked dinner this time. Thankfully, we had enough ingredients for bibimbap for everyone. Once I was done, Mi Ho-unni helped me set the table and everyone had a bowl.

Everyone looked at the food and smiled and said at once, "Thank you for the food!"

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Everyone looked at the food and smiled and said at once, "Thank you for the food!"

I smiled, "No problem, everyone!"

While we were eating, I looked at the guys and smiled. They have come so far with their career and I'm glad that I'm here to see the continuous growth.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! We made to 2021 and we survived! Also, I'm glad that Suga is back on stage! I'll continue with the Spring Day behind the scenes. I pray you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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