Buying The Ring

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-Yoongi's POV-

Here I am, playing random melodies on my keyboard in my studio. When we're not promoting or rehearsing, I'm found here. When I stopped playing, I went back to my desk and was about to edit some tracks when I saw the framed picture of me and Eunji. She gave it to me as a birthday present back in  2014 and it's one of the best presents I received from her. Looking at the picture made me think of everything we've been through together. Eunji has been there for me since we were children. Then I heard the doorbell ringing. I smiled because I knew who it was. I opened the door and there was Eunji with lunch for both of us. I smiled, "You could use the code."

Eunji laughed, "And I keep telling you that I don't want to be rude."

She set everything down on the coffee table and I joined her. She said, "So, Jimin and Jungkook are at it again."

I sighed, "What's the problem this time?"

"They keep trying to see who could impress me the most. The entire day, they were doing things for me even though they don't need to," Eunji explained.

I chuckled, "And Jin-hyung wasn't there to put them in check?"

"No, but Mi Ho-unni did and now they're helping her sort costumes. Now they're bugging her," Eunji replied, laughing.

I laughed along with her. Her smile is one of the best things about her. Unlike me, it doesn't take much to make her smile and I've always loved that about her. I said, "So, what other plans do you have today?"

"Well, I need to trim Bang PD-nim's hair for one. Then I need to help Mi Ho-unni with costumes and how the lighting will work for House of Army," Eunji replied.

I smiled, "Don't let me keep you away from Bang PD-nim, then."

Eunji smiled, "Then I'll be off. Stay out of trouble."

"I'll try," I told her. 

Eunji kissed me, then she walked out the door. I smiled, then I called Hoseok. Thankfully, he answered the phone quickly, "Hello, Hyung. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. Are you in your studio right now?" I asked.

"I am," he replied.

"Good. I'm going to you," I told him.

Hoseok chuckled, "Alright. The door is unlocked."

We hung up, then I left my studio to go to Hoseok. Once I reached the door, I opened it, then Hoseok turned around and smiled, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I laughed, then sat down on the chair next to his, "No need for all that. I actually need your support on something."

Hoseok could tell I was serious, so he turned his chair in my direction, "Whatever it is, Hyung, I have your back."

I smiled, "Great. I plan on proposing to Eunji."

Hoseok's face transitioned from shock to joy in a matter of seconds, then he cheered loudly. I'm thankfully these rooms are soundproof, otherwise one of the staff members would ask what was going on. Hoseok exclaimed, "I'm proud of you! Does her family know?"

"Her parents do. I personally asked her father for permission. He gave me a hard time at first, but after a while, he told me not to hurt her, otherwise BTS would have one less rapper," I explained.

Hoseok looked scared, "Now I know where Eunji-noona gets it from."

I laughed, "No, it's definitely from Auntie. Uncle is more silent about his emotions, like me."

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