Epilogue: Many Years To Come

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7 years passed.

Fugaku had finally stepped down as the company's CEO, and Sasuke, who's now 26 years old, had taken over.

Sasuke and Sakura were still together. They both graduated high school and now they could both fully concentrate on the company together without any difficulties. Sakura still kept in touch with her close friends, and she and Gaara had ended on good terms before he left for an 8 year trip abroad with his father in France. Most of the other guys had inherited the company from their fathers, also, so Sasuke was working with them a lot now.

Sasuke was sitting at his office, staring at his family picture. Yes, his family picture; him, Sakura and their two-year old daughter, Sarada. His eyes averted to the clock and guessed it would be ok to leave and go home now.

He and Sakura worked alongside all day, but they were busy working with different employees and then she would leave earlier than him to go home to take care of their little one. She didn't want their daughter to grow up being closer to the babysitter than them.

Sasuke was amazed that they've been together for so long. He honestly didn't thing they would last past 2 or 3 years but Sakura proved him wrong.

A smile graced on his face when he thought of his wife...he just loves her more everyday.

"Pa-pa!" that was the first thing Sasuke heard when he opened the door. Sasuke grinned when he saw little Sarada running towards him.

He picked Sarada up and kissed her on the forehead. "Where's mama?"

"I'm right here." Sakura came from the kitchen and Sasuke noticed she had an apron on.

"You do realize we have chefs here, right? How many times do I have to tell you?" Sasuke chuckled.

"Well, maybe I like my husband to eat homemade meals from his wife." Sakura rolled her eyes at him and took Sarada from his arms..

"Just kidding, geez. Was she naughty today?" Sasuke lightly pinched Sarada's cheeks.

"No, but she kept crying 'pa-pa' all day. Can't you come home early with me at least thrice a week? She misses you a lot." Sakura sighed as she walked back over to the kitchen.

"I'm the CEO's company, Sakura. I can't leave early." he replied and followed after her.

"Oh, whatever." Sakura rolled her eyes again and sat Sarada in her high-chair.

"Hey..." Sasuke hugged Sakura from behind. "She misses me? If our daughter misses me, then don't you miss me, too?"

"I see you everyday." Sakura shrugged.

Sasuke hated it whenever she acted like she didn't care. She always did that, just to make him feel bad. But, he knew exactly how to win her over. She was always a sucker when it came to him.

"But I miss you." Sasuke placed a kiss on her neck and felt her stiffened up. It never gets old. Whenever he does cheesy things to her, she would always react the same way she did back then.

Sakura glared at the ground feeling her cheeks getting hot. She hated how he always, always, made her heart no matter what. It awakens the vulnerable side of hers.

"And I love you more. Everyday." Sasuke murmured quietly. Sakura's expression softened and she knew she couldn't help it. She turned around and snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that their foreheads touched.

"I always win, huh." Sasuke grinned at her.

"Shut up." Sakura pouted at him and gave him a small peck on the lips. She instantly pulled away, but his lips lingered on hers, kissing her deeper. "Sasuke! Your parents are home!" she complained, but he just kept kissing her. "So? I said I miss you." Sasuke repeated, placing another kiss on her jawline.

"Ok, ok, I miss you, too."

"And I said I love you."

Sakura sighed, but she smiled as he leaned in kissed her lightly on the forehead. "I love you, too." she finally said as he once again capture her lips with his.

Right at that moment, two figures walked into the kitchen and blinked at the sight. "...Um...are we...interrupting?"

Sasuke and Sakura immediately broke away when they heard Mikoto's voice. They turned to see Sasuke's parents smirking at them. Sakura blushed and averted her eyes shyly. "N..no..um, dinner's ready, so come let's eat." she immediately changed the subject and glared over at Sasuke.

Sasuke laughed quietly to himself and shook his head. Oh man, he really loves his family.

After dinner, Sakura put Sarada to sleep. They moved a small crib into their room when Sakura was pregnant.

Sakura smiled lovingly at her daughter and kissed her forehead before placing her into the crib and tucked the blankets around her. She walked back to her closet to change into a simple, light, nightgown before crawling into the bed.

Sasuke came in the room and loosened his tie. It was always exhausting after a long day at the company. He chuckled  softly at the sight of little Sarada sleeping in the crib before going inside the closet to change.

He came out a few minutes later and got on the bed, snuggling next to Sakura.

Sakura turned to face him and grinned. "Hey, isn't this the same exact position we were in when I confessed to you."

Sasuke smirked. "I know. Were you nervous when you said it?"

"Duh. We were basically a married couple who was to shy to admit their feelings for each other. Technically, it was your fault for stringing me along for such a long time."

"Hey, I clearly told you I wouldn't say anything about my feelings until you give me your last task." Sasuke raised  an eyebrow at her.

Sakura sighed. "I know, I know. So...what about Karin? Do you still think of her sometimes?"

Sasuke looked at her like she was crazy. "Woman, I am married to you, not her. Why would I think about a girl who betrayed me like that. And especially when she hurt you."

Sakrua gazed at his eyes. "Just kidding. I just love to reassure myself that you're still with me...physically, mentally, and emotionally. Both in your mind, and in your heart."

He sighed again and pulled her closer. "How many times do I have to say it to you?" 

Sakura made a small laugh at him. "For the rest of our life together."

Sasuke clearly had no objections to that. "I love you." he whispered it and got up slightly. He hovered over her and gave her a featherlight kiss. "And for many years to come, I'll still love you."

Sakura glanced over at Sarada and figured they would have to be quiet. She averted her eyes back to Sasuke and snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. "Show me..." Sakura whispered back. Sasuke smirked and once again kissed her.

And for that whole night, he really did show her how much he loves her.

Hey guyss, this would be the end of Married to Sasuke Uchiha. I'm so sorry to announce that there would be no sequel or special chaps to follow for this story or whatsoever. I've been thinking about it that to drag the story much longer would affect the quality of the story in the long run :(( talk about writer's block. I'll be taking a hiatus for now. I'll be back with another SASUSAKU story in the future. Until then, please enjoy this story to your heart's content. ~L.

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