Final Chapter: This Is Real

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One week passed, one week more to go.

Honestly, Sakura couldn't think of what to do for her last task, and she was getting scared of how fast time was going. Did Sasuke even want her to stay? He never once mentioned anything about it.

'Does that mean he'll go with the original plan? Will all this mean nothing then?' Sakura sighed and rolled over to face the ceiling, pulling the blanket up to her shoulder. Sasuke had left early to go to the company as always.

Sakura glanced at the time and knew she should be getting ready to leave, too. It was almost as if this was a daily routine now...she didn't know how she could possibly deal with it if she went back to her old life without Sasuke.

Sakura let out a frustrated sigh and lazily sat up.

'...I guess I should get ready...'

Sasuke glanced up when he heard the door open and smiled when he saw Sakura come in. "You're early."

Sakura forced a faint smile at him.

"...yea, I know."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her lack of enthusiasm. "You ok? Are you tired? You could've just stayed at home."

"I'm ok." Sakura answered bluntly, which made Sasuke doubt even more.

He sighed, got up, and walked towards her. "Seriously, if you're not feeling well, go back home. I have two meetings today to discuss about me taking the position as CEO."

"Then I should be there, since I'm your wife." Sakura glanced up at him, hoping he'll say something about their marriage. After all, if they were going to divorce in just a week, she really had no position to be next to him when he succeeds as the company's CEO in four years time.

"Well, if you really want to, then I guess you could come. Just don't fall asleep during the meeting." he made a small smile at her and lightly pinched one of her cheeks.

Sakura didn't know how he could do that. With just one smile or one touch, he could make her heart beat like crazy, and that wasn't really helping with all her mixed up thoughts.

Noticing how she didn't respond, Sasuke's grin slowly died down. He reached over and held both of her hands, pulling her slightly closer. "Can you tell me what's bothering you? It's gonna be on my mind all day if you don't tell me." 

Sakura shook her head. "Really, I'm ok. Promise." she once again forced a smile to reassure him.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, still suspicious, but he let it go. "...alright. My meeting is about to start. Come on." he kept his grip on her hand as they both exited the office.

Gaara, on the other hand, was having a hard time getting over Sakura. He honestly couldn't understand women. He still wondered why Sakura still managed to stay in love with Sasuke after all that drama.

'Well, it was partially my fault for letting them make up.' he blamed himself and sighed.

He actually found himself missing Sakura after a whole week of not contacting her. Damn, he knew how hard he fell in love with her now. He should've stopped the bet when Suigetsu suggested to.

...but what the hell. He had to hear her voice or something; it was killing him.

Hesitating, he slowly reached into his pockets and pulled out his phone. Letting out another sigh, he dialed Sakura's number and called her.

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