Chapter 1 - I Thought He Was The One

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The bell rang for dismissal.

Sakura quickly packed her things and dashed out. She smiled brightly , seeing Naruto waiting at the school gates for her. Sakura ran to him and hugged him tightly .

"So? Where are you taking me today?" She asked, eagerly.

Today was their  one year anniversary of dating. Sakura couldn't wait to see what he's going to do this time. Last time, he took her to the amusement park and gave her a real diamond ring. He also bought her a new DSLR camera, and he even wrote a song for her. Sakura looked at him and her smile disappeared, seeing his expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked, worriedly.

"Oh, nothing, I need to talk to you once we get there, ok?" Naruto flashed a quick smile at her .

"Ok..." Sakura raised an eyebrow at him. 'Why is he acting so distant' she thought to herself.

Sakura sighed, getting impatient. For the past 30 minutes, they've been driving .. and all she could see were parks, houses, and apartments. 

"Where exactly are you taking me?" Sakura crossed her arms.

Naruto didn't reply, but instead stopped the car. He looked down at his feet, avoiding her gaze.

"Naruto, what exactly is going on? You've been so distant lately... are you ok?" She gently put her hand on his.

"I ... I need to talk to you about something , Sakura," Naruto murmured.

"What is it?" Sakura smiled warmly at him.

"You know I love you, don't you?" Naruto looked into her eyes.

"Of course... and I love you, too. So what's wrong?" Sakura shooked her head, confused.

Naruto let out a deep sigh and Sakura noticed his eyes held so much sadness and guilt. 

"Sakura... you're very special to me, and ... and I know we've been through a lot of things together. I love you so much  and I care about you a lot... but ... I think..." He paused, and Sakura felt her tears coming, because she knew exactly what he was going to say.

"...I think we should... break up ..." Naruto replied softly, looking at her with eyes that were begging her not to cry.

Sakura took her hand off  of his and swallowed hard to prevent her tears coming .

"...why?" she whispered.

"I'm sorry. It's just... something is missing,"  Naruto murmured, hesitantly.

"What's missing? We've been so happy together, and I even thought..." Sakura paused, sniffing a bit . "...I thought... you were really the one for me..."

Naruto took her hand in his and squeezed it. 

"Sakura , I'm really sorry. I just... well... I don't really know how to tell you this, but... Hinata..."

Sakura's eyes widened. Hinata? What about Hinata?  Hinata was her best friend, and she and Naruto barely spoke to each other.

"....Hinata and I ... have been dating behind your back..." Naruto averted his eyes down, unable to look at her expression.

Sakura's tears finally fell. She slid her hand away from his.

" cheated on me... with my best friend...?" Sakura couldn't believe it. Hinata had always been so loyal, innocent, and she was so honest. How could Hinata and Naruto be dating behind her back!

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