Chapter 14 - One Month

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Sakura gaped when they arrived at the company. There were so many people there.

"Wow... your popularity is growing. You'll be really successful once you inherit the company, Sasuke" Mikoto smiled.

"Ah...right." Sasuke sighed. It was such a pain in the  ass to be thinking about all those responsibilities already.

As soon as Fugaku parkedd the car, a mob of people came over and surrounded the car. Security quickly came over to blick them to allow for Sasuke's family to pass through.

Sasuke opened the door and quickly walked over to Sakura's side, opening her door for her. Once Sakura got out, she linked her arm around Sasuke's without thinking. Sasuke glanced at her, making a small smile.

Fugaku and Mikoto walked over to a small stage where four seats and a beautifully decorated table with microphones were set up. Sasuke led Sakura and they followed after.

"There's so much people..." Sakura whispered. "Get used to it." Sasuke smirked.

They walked up the small stage and Mikoto sat by Fugaku while Sakura sat by Sasuke.

"Good evening everyone. This press conference was very sudden, but we'll answer any questions or concerns you have about my son's marriage." Fugaku announced.

"So this is about us?" Sakura looked at Sasuke, who nodded.

People, the media and the paparazzi  immediately  started to ask questions.

"Why did you choose her out of all girls?" 

 Sasuke leaned into the microphone.

"..she's from the Haruno family. It'd benefit the company really well since this company originated from the Harunos."

"What makes her qualify for being your wife, personally?"

Sasuke thought for a moment.

"Personally, I think she's very well behaved around the committee board and elders that are close to my father, so she's an excellent choice for me, mu family, as well as the company."

"When do you think you and your wife will inherit the company?"

"As soon as my father resigns, which I know will be in the far future. This company is important to both him and my mother, so me, along with my wife, will support them."

"How will this marriage help the company?"

"Since our company was on the brink of bankruptcy, this marriage will help bring up the company, financially. The Harunos came from a wealthy background, and even though Sakura's family doesn't have their own company, their honorable name alone will bring attraction to our clients once again."

"Ms.  Sakura, did you fully agree to this marriage?"

"Eh?" Sakura's eyes widened. She didn't expect them to ask her any questions. She looked over nervously to Sasuke who made a small nod at her. She blushed when she felt his hand grasp hers and squeezed it tightly.

" of course. It's an honor to be the wife of someone from the Uchiha family. I'm very happy that Sasuke chose me." Sakura's voice shook a little. She wasn't used to talking in front of so many people.

"Now that you're Sasuke Uchiha's wife, you will also hold authority over this company once Sasuke inherits it. Do you think you have any skills that can help the company be more successful?"

Sasuke could feel Sakura's hand trembling. He stared at her worriedly because she looked really nervous.

'Oh, come on... I can't embarrass myself in front of all these people. I'm Sasuke's wife, now... I have to present this company strongly. I don't want to make Sasuke's father look bad as the CEO of the company, either.'

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