Chapter 19: Confused Feelings

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As expected, Sasuke and Sakura were all over the news.

Fugaku slammed down the newspaper on the coffee table. They were on the front page, too!

"...we have to do something about this."

"As I said, we should plan a press conference to explain-"

"Explain what? If anyone is going to explain, it should Sasuke and Sakura. They're the ones causing all of this mess!" Fugaku let out a stressed sigh and leaned back into the couch.

'It's a good thing he stayed home from the company today...' Mikoto thought as she sat down beside him, setting down two cups of warm tea on the table.

"Then we'll let them explain. Sasuke's pretty good at handling press conferences, and from that earlier experience, Sakura is exceptional, too." Mikoto grabbed her cup of tea and took a small sip out of it.

"What if they can't explain it? The company will gain lots of attention, but it's not the attention that I wanted. I want people to be focused on our products, our financial success, our stores, employees, and overall. I want them to be focused on the fact that we are still the best company in Japan, but if that attention is going to be focused on this little problem between Sasuke and Sakura. I don't know if I-;"

"Honey... calm down, will you?" Mikoto placed her hand gently on his arm. "...I'll go tell them to come down for breakfast. Since you took the day off, just relax and I'll take care of this, ok? I'll discuss this with them and see what they'll come up with. Since you already ate, you should just take a nap." she handed his cup of tea to him before getting up and going upstairs.

Sasuke just got done washing up. He slipped on a silky, black shirt and some matching black slacks. He quickly put on some black socks and sprayed on some cologne. He glanced back at Sakura who was still sleeping.

D*mn, she could really sleep. It's been two days in a row since she's slept through half a day.

He jumped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock at the door. He walked over and slid the door open which he found out it was his mom.

"You up already?" Mikoto smiled.

"Yea...but Sakura's still asleep. Why?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Wake her up and come down for breakfast. Your father is taking the day off, so I need to talk to both of you about something and you two need to go manage the company for today." Mikoto replied as she looked over at Sakura's sleeping form. 

"Anyway, are you two ok? What was yesterday all about?"

"....ah...just got in a little fight. It was my fault. I lost my temper too quickly..." Sasuke muttered.

"Well, hurry, and come downstairs. I need to discuss that matter with you." Mikoto said before she turned to go.

Sasuke closed the door and walked back over to Sakura. He reached for her but hesitated. He didn't just want to casually wake her up after that little argument they had yesterday.

'D*mn it, what should I do?'

He quickly withdrew his hand back when Sakura suddenly stirred. She let out a soft yawn and snuggled back into her pillow.

"Mmmm..." she grumbled and her eyes slowly opened.

'Perfect timing' Sasuke sighed in relief.

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