Chapter 7 - My Husband, My Wife

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Three days had passed since Sakura went to Karin's house. Her parents insisted that she stayed home from school to mover her things over to the Uchiha mansion so she won't have to do it later.

Sakura wiped away the sweat on her forehead as she dragged her dresser up into the moving truck. 'Ugh, geez. Why do I have to move my stuff over to their house already? Couldn't wait after the wedding? The wedding is going to be tomorrow anyways.' she thought as she stared up at the blazing sun. Sakura nearly jumped when a car honked at her.

She peered behind the truck to see Sasuke's car parking in front of her garage. "Yo," Sasuke greeted as he came out of the car.

"Why are you here?" Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, since you're moving into our home, I figured that I would just come and help out a bit. Are you almost done?" Sasuke asked as he took off his sunglasses.

"Yea.. I just need my daily things that I use and I need to move my bed-,"

"Oh, no need to bring your own bed," Sasuke interrupted.

"Why not?" Sakura blinked.

"Well, we are gonna be married, so we're gonna have to sleep in the same bed, you know.." Sasuke stated in a matter-of-fact tone

Sakura blushed at the thought and she immediately shook her head. "No way! I'd rather sleep in the streets than to sleep with you in the same bed." she glared at him and walked over to her house.

"Stop making such a big deal about it. Are your parents home, anyways?" Sasuke took off his shoes and entered her house.

"No. They're working right now... they'll be home in a couple of hours." Sakura replied as she walked over to the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of water. "I'm still bringing my own bed." she muttered.

"Sakura, we need to make this marriage look real, ok? Whether you like it or not, we have to share the same bed. It'll only be for a few months, so deal with it," Sasuke let out a sigh.

"But.. but I feel uncomfortable sleeping next to a guy..." Sakura pouted.

"Hn. Why?" Sasuke slowly walked over to her. "Are you afraid that I might do something to you?" He smirked and leaned in so that their faces were inches apart.

Sakura could feel her heart racing faster and her cheeks were getting hot.

Sasuke chuckled at her speechless expression and flicked her forehead. "Just kidding. I won't try anything, I swear. I'm not that kind of guy... besides, there's nothing appealing about you that would make me desire you anyways," Sasuke shrugged.

"You're such a jerk!" Sakura frowned and emptied her cup of water, setting it nicely in the sink. "If you're just going to come over and insult me, then leave. I need to finish packing up, and then I have to prepare for the wedding tomorrow."

Just as she was about to walk away, Sasuke pulled her back. Sakura shrieked when she felt his arms embrace her from behind. "What are you doing!" Sakura exclaimed as she tried to struggle away from him.

"Relax, Sakura..." Sasuke murmured quietly into her ear. "...just let me remind you... you can't fall in love with me, ok?" he smirked.

"Why in the name of h*ll would I fall in love with you?" Sakura pried at his arms, trying to get them off.

"Well, judging by the fact that you always blush whenever I do cheesy things, or avert your eyes shyly, and having those nervous face expressions, I'm guessing that you just might have a few feelings for me," Sasuke grinned.

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