Chapter 18: Changing Rules: Fair and Square

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Sakura couldn't believe it. Sasuke just admitted that he was jealous!

Slowly, she turned around to face him.

" were jealous?"

"Do I really have to repeat myself?" he looked at her with an irritated expression.

"I don't get it. You said this marriage can't have any love in it, so why are you getting mad when you see me with another guy?"

"I don't know. I'm just a bit confused right now, ok?" he let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair.

"Sasuke, if you don't like seeing me with Gaara...then I suggest you do the same thing. I don't want you to see Karin." Sakura replied, hesitantly.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. 

"Why can't I see Karin? She's my real fiancee and -"

"Well, maybe it bothers me, too! If I can't meet up with other guys then you can't meet up with other girls. It's not fair." Sakura ran upstairs before Sasuke could reply.

Sakura kicked off her high heels and didn't even bother to change out of her dress. She plopped down on the bed and snuggled into her pillow.

"He was...jealous..." Sakura blushed. She didn't expect him to actually admit that he was..

'So... does that mean that he kinda likes me...?' Sakura quickly shook that thought away.

"Of course, he wouldn't have feelings for me. This marriage can't be based on love..." Sakura muttered; but for some reason, she kind of hoped he did like her.

After a while of silence, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Sasuke came in a few minutes late, loosening his tie. He stared at her and smiled at how she didn't even change her dress. He figured he didn't feel like changing either. He took off his shoes and set them nicely in the closet, then hung his tie by his shirts. Quietly, he crept on the bed and laid down next to her.

Sasuke slowly reached for Sakura and gently caressed her cheek. He ran his thumb across her lips and his mind flashed back to when he kissed her. Honestly, he didn't know why he did it. He just acted without thinking, and he was too angry to realize the situation they were in.

Even though everyone saw it, even if it'll probably on the news tomorrow, even though she slapped him... he didn't entirely hate it.

He knew he wasn't supposed to have feelings for Sakura. He knew this marriage was fake. He knew that he still love Karin, but at that moment none of those things mattered anymore.

"'re making me go crazy..." he whispered and put his forehead on hers. He loved how she breathed softly while she slept and how she looked so peaceful as if there were no worries in the world.

"Maybe...I do have some feelings for you..."

Karin sat on the couch, fuming over how Sasuke kissed Sakura right in front of her.

"I can't believe he did that. I can't believe he would do that right in my face!" Karin frowned.

She crossed her arms and let out an irritated sigh. 

"It's all that slut's fault."

'That's right, from the moment she stepped into Sasuke's life, he barely pays any attention to me anymore. It's all her fault!'

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