Chapter 11 || Evil Muscle Pig

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It was early in the morning.

Jungkook and jimin were cuddling together. When suddenly the alarm goes off which caused Jungkook to woke up.

He turned off the alarm and looked at the little bean cuddling with him.

Unconsciously, a smile made way to his face as he gazed at sleeping jimin with heart eyes.

Addicted. That's what he felt like when he saw jimin sleeping. His cheeks were puffy and lips were formed into a pout.

It felt similar to when you see a little baby sleeping, you just stare at the sleeping baby, not caring about time, more staring giving you more satisfaction.

Jungkook slowly held his hand out and tugged jimin's hair behind his ear.

He slowly traced jimin's face with his hand. Fingertips running down other's flawless skin smoothly.

Jungkook will never admit openly but deep down in his heart, Jungkook knows that jimin is the one he always needed. The one who can make Jungkook's walls fall down.

His deep blue reminds Jungkook of something. Something he always wanted. He dont know what it was but he needed it.

Maybe god isn't that cruel. Gifted him with an angel. Making his life less painful from what it already is.

Jungkook was thinking about all this while tracing his fingers on Jimin's soft skin when suddenly jimin frowned in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly.

He looked at Jungkook with half sleepy eyes and gave him his infamous eye smile, making Jungkook's heart almost stop.

Jungkook's breath hitched for a second but he smiled back at jimin.

Tightening his arms around jimin's waist. He pulled his baby more close to him.

"Morning, angel" Jungkook said. His voice came out low and husky due to all growls and grunts he made last night.

Jimin blushed at his low voice.

"Good morning, Hyung" he said and pecked Jungkook's lips unconsciously and immediately got shy after doing that.

It instantly made Jungkook feel happy. He smiled and joined his forehead with jimin's.

"You slept well?" Jungkook softly asked jimin while looking into his eyes.

"Yes, Hyung" jimin replied and nodded while smiling.

"Good" Jungkook said and booped jimin's nose with his which made jimin release a tiny giggle.

Jungkook, The Merciless Mafia Leader, thought that he was going to die if he heard that voice once again.

He pecked jimin's lips and looked into other's eyes. He did it again and again and pecked jimin's face all over.

Making jimin release that godly voice again.

He looked at jimin's face as if he was an angel when suddenly he heard a voice.


It was Jimin's stomach. He looked down at jimin's stomach and then back at his face. Which was now red due to embarrassment.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Is my baby hungry?" Jungkook asked.

The other embarassedly nodded.

"Lets bath before going down to have breakfast" Jungkook said and stood up. He picked up his boxers which were lying on the floor and put it on before going to the bathroom.

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