Chapter 22 || Who are you?

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Jungkook went out as faded cries of Jimin was audible to his ears.

But he turned out to ignore them as his feelings were overpowering his mind.

His jaw tight as he shouted "Don't even try to open that door until you have a death wish".

Loud enough for everyone to hear and especially for the members to hear.

Eyes still filled with anger. Lines etched onto his forehead and veins popping out from underneath.

He ordered Ray to guard the basement door because he didn't trust his hyungs on obeying his order.

Then he turned around and went to his room upstairs, to rethink about his life.


Maids went back to do their work and other workers did the same. But it was the members who were still sitting on the couch nearby.

"I'm still progressing the whole thing"

"Honey, we all are"

If this would have happened during a normal situation, Jin would have glared at Namjoon.

"How didn't anyone of us notice that Jimin wasn't there"

Hoseok said as taehyung looked at him.

Worry. Fear. Disbelief. Alot of emotions were visible in his eyes making hoseok reach out for his hand, stroking his thumb to calm him down a bit.

"We need to know where he went because my jimin would never do a bad thing or worse betray. I've had known him for years and i know he's innocent-"

"Are you sure? Because everyone standing here saw what happened and he didn't even tell where he went. Have you known about this?"

Yoongi was someone who had seen alot of betrayals in his life. So he did not trust Jimin at the moment

"What are you talking about? Are you really accusing taehyung for all of this?" Hoseok got defensive when fingers were pointed at taehyung.

"No. I trust taehyung. He had been with Jungkook even before i joined this team. But i don't trust Jimin. Why would he wait for all of us to sleep before going somewhere? Where do you all think he went? Huh? A club or a party?"

Yoongi's eyes held determination while asking the question whereas other's got hesitant as they can view the logic being his concern.

"It's not a secret one wants to keep till they get thrown into a dungeon. He is definitely keeping from us and it might be important for him not tell anyone."


"Don't you understand taehyung? The risk we are taking if he turned out to be with one of our rivals?"

"We need to find out the truth first. Till then I am not trusting anyone." He said while walking away.

All the members stuck in a dilemma because yoongi's words held weight in them. They should probably be aware of what is happening within his four walls.


Yoongi went inside his room and opened his laptop. Sound of clicking on keyboard was clear and loud as his eyes were stuck on the screen.

Watching carefully as he hacked through the CCTV systems to get the clips of Jimin from last night.

He want to be sure that Jimin is innocent cause all along he didn't get the feeling of latter being a pretentious person. His emotions unknowingly reflect straight on his face.

So yoongi wants to know the truth just in case Jungkook takes a decision in hurry regarding Jimin which he will.regret in future because everyone say how much Jimin mean to Jungkook.

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