Chapter 2 || Save Me

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2 Days Later~

Jungkook was in his study room. He was doing his work on his laptop wearing glasses. It has been two days since jimin has come and Taehyung is staying with him in an apartment.

It was late in night and he was checking the working of his new project in the company and that's when he got a call. It was from Taehyung.

"Hello?" Jungkook said.

"H-HELLO! HELLO! JUNGKOOK, I-I CANT FIND JIMIN. PLEASE...PLEASE HELP ME" Taehyung was shouting on other side. His voice was cracking. Jungkook was sure that he was crying.

He closed his laptop and took off his glasses. He stood up and started wearing his long black coat.

"Tell me what happened?" He said and made his way out.

"Y-Yeah...Jimin was talking about him w-working in a café since yesterday but I-I told NO to h-he g-got mad and shouted at me. H-He also cried and ran outside the apartment...I-I ran after him...B-But I didn't see him. I am still searching. Jungkook please come with your men and find him" Taehyung said.

It was the first time Jungkook seeing Taehyung crying. Well Taehyung is a tough man who shows no emotions when working.

But now Jungkook thinks jimin must be really important to Taehyung.

Jungkook went outside and there were 2 guards.

"Ray" he called one of them.

"Yes, boss" Ray replied.

"Call others. We need to go" He said and went in his car.

Explanation was not needed to them. If their leader said something. They will do it, without hesitation.

They reached the place. It was the neighborhood of where Taehyung and jimin were living in an apartment.

Jungkook saw Taehyung, who was looking devastating.

"Hurry up...lets go" Taehyung said.

Taehyung took 10 men with him and Jungkook took the other ten.

They both went towards opposite directions.

While Jungkook and his men were searching for jimin, they all got separated and went in different directions. It was because of Jungkook's idea. He thought it would help in finding jimin quickly.

Now Jungkook was passing through a way which was a little darker than the other ways because there were no lights.

While walking through the path. He saw two men making out. The two were clinging to each other. Jungkook was about to pass them. But then he heard a voice.

"Save me" someone said in a weak voice.

He looked back at the pair and heard the same voice. It was from the smaller one who was pressed against the wall.

Jungkook looked at them for few seconds but choose to leave because he need to find jimin. Jimin was more important. But when he turned the other way.

He heard a weak whimper. Jungkook stopped and stood their for few seconds trying to make a decision. Whether to save this boy or go to search jimin.

He signed and walked back towards the pair. While getting closer, he saw how the smaller blonde one was whimpering and trying to get out of the other's grip. Jungkook didn't saw the smaller's face due to the darkness.

"Hey...Leave him" Jungkook said in a stern voice.

"What! Who are you!? You motherfucker. Mind your own business" The other buffy person said in a drink voice.

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