Chapter 19 || My Jimin

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Jimin slowly went inside, with a smile on his face.

The place was dark and little dirty.

If some unknown person would enter, they would probably think that the place is abandoned.

He slowly continued walking till he stood infront on a fork of two paths.

The memories of these paths are still printed fresh in jimin's mind.

He took the left path and saw an old wooden door, large words written on it with what looked like a red spray paint.

"Stay Away"

But jimin ignored it and opened the door slowly and entered in the dark room which had nothing but old household things.

Like broken white lamp, destroyed sofa, broken bicycle and other stuffs.

Jimin was looked at those things curiously as he was seeing all this again many years later.

Suddenly he heard faint noises at the other end of the room where another old wooden door was located.

He slowly went closer to the door and the faint voices started getting clear.

It was somebody's laugh.

He held the handle and opened the door.

And all he saw was totally different.

The new room had dark blue background totally different from the one where jimin is standing right now.

Lights hanging on wall along with different posters. Totally party style, only thing missing was DJ.

Big maroon couch seated in the middle of room and three people sitting on it, having a chat and laughing.

Big maroon couch seated in the middle of room and three people sitting on it, having a chat and laughing

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[ Something like this...
pretend BTS is not here ]

He stepped inside and the three persons sitting on couch turned their head to look at who came inside.

When they saw jimin, frown formed on all their foreheads.

"Who are you?" One of them asked.
"How did you get inside" another one asked.

"I-I...Umm.." Jimin hesitated because of sudden bombarding of questions.

"You what?" The person asked again.
"I asked how you got inside?"

"From...the door?" Jimin now answered regaining his confidence as his answer had a hint of sarcasm.

He looked at the person infront of him with innocent eyes as he didn't said anything wrong or funny.

The person looked at jimin suspiciously as he thought what is his stranger even doing here.

He looked at his partners and signalled them through his eyes.

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