Chapter: 36♡

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With a shaky sigh, I wiped off the sweat from my forehead and locked up the Bar.

Rubbing my arms as I walked through the dark streets. Looking left and right to make sure I'm safe.

Once I got back from the Cabin, I was back to reality and damn did it hit me like a truck.

I had to work overtime and still had to pick Jaehyung up from Daycare, then keep him at the Cafè for a while until Seokjin, Jimin or Hoseok picked him up.

Then I had to lock up the Cafè and run late at night to the Bar, deal with an old man harassing me and work until 1AM. I then had to lock up and go home not being able to be the last face Jaehyung's sees at night.

I also had to wake up really early in the morning, get both Jaehyung and I ready for the day. Drop the keys at the Bar then drop Jaehyung at school and start work.

But what made it harder was was, I always felt someone following me...or watching me. And everytime I looked around, there was no one.

I was overwhelmed and frustrated, I was ready to just burst into tears at any moment. I don't know how I'm still walking home with lifeless eyes.

With a sigh, I silently entered my apartment. Quickly taking off my shoes and made my way to the livingroom.

I frowned at the sight of Seokjin and Jimin sleeping on the couch in awkward positions.

I turned around and entered Jaehyung's room to grab the extra mattress and dragged it to the livingroom.

Grabbing tons of blankets and pillows, I made the mattress comfortable for the two.

Tip toeing toward Seokjin and gently shook him.

"Oppa, wake up" I whispered.

"Mmh?" He groaned, opening one eye at me and looking at me expectantly.

"Take off your blazer and shoes, come sleep" I whispered.

"Mmh" he hummed again, slowly closing his eyes.

Sighing once again, I gently pulled him to his feet. Smiling as he leans his head on my shoulder whilst he sleeps. Steadying his wobbly legs and quickly took off his blazer, slowly laying him down on the mattress and took off his shoes.

Doing the same with Jimin and covered the two with blankets and switched off the lights.

"I'm sorry guys, I won't bother you anymore" I mumbled.

Quietly entering Jaehyung's room and going to the spare cupboard that had my belongings. Quickly taking out a black long-sleeved oversized shirt and a pair of white shorts and left for the bathroom.

Taking out the first aid kit and tended to my busted lip and bruised wrists. Putting some cream on them and putting a bandaid on the cut on my cheek. Remembering what happened at the Bar today.


"S-sir" I called in a scared tone, backing away as I watched Mr Park approach me with lustful eyes.

"Shut the fuck up!!" He shouted, backhanding me in the face.

Whimpering when my head snapped to the side, feeling blood trickling down my lip as a stinging pain engulfed my left cheek.


I flinched at the thought and shook my head to clear my mind.

Changing into the clothes, deciding to skip my meals today since I didn't have time to sit down and have anything.

Making my way to Jaehyung's room and slowly climbed into bed with my son.

Hugging the small child close to my body, giving him light kisses on his forehead, cheeks and nose.

"Mmh, Eomma" Jaehyung whined.

"Eomma's here Bub" I whispered.

"Jwae mished 'ou" he whispered, snuggling his face into my chest and trying to circle his small arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry my Bubba, Eomma's so s-sorry" I croaked out to the already sleeping child.

Tears welling up in my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling biting my lip to hold in my sobs.

Holding my child close to me, smelling his hair and curling into a ball. Letting sleep engulf my tired body.

 Letting sleep engulf my tired body

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I sigh irritably as I watched Hanuel enter her apartment with slumped shoulders.

What happened to the cheerful woman I dated 3 years ago?
The one full of energy and never let's life ruin her mood.

I groaned when I leaned my head against my steering wheel.

Was I really the cause of her misfortune?

Watching her work like a dog, day and night for the past week. Watching her hold in her tears when she gets scolded from someone when not doing something right.

How she had to tolerate the embarrassment of being called degrading names of an old man.

And how I had to tolerate my blood boiling at the sight. I don't know how many times I felt like killing someone today.

She works so hard just to keep a roof over her head and provide food on the table for her- our son.

The only time I could actually get a glimpse and a touch from Jaehyung was when Seokjin, Jimin or Hoseok brought him to the office.

All 3 looked at me with pity and let me bond with the toddler. Taking him in my lap as he slept in my arms whilst I worked.

I was content, I was relieved that he was comfortable with me.

If only I hadn't accepted the invitation from JB, all this wouldn't have happened.

If only she had waited just one more day for me to explain, all this wouldn't have happened.

I looked up with teary eyes and sighed one again.

I feel so disappointed in myself, I'm a father and I didn't know the struggle they both went through for the past 3 years.

I insulted Hanuel countless of times trying to show the hatred I had for her to everyone, just to cover up the heartbreak of being separated from her.

"You're a fucking embarrassment Kim" I muttered.

Starting my car and driving off.

"I'm going to fix this Hanuel, I promise"

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