Chapter: 22♡

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"Bye guys, see you later with the others and remember the party is at the Cafè" I said.

Standing at the door, watching Jimin and Seokjin walk to their cars.

"Yeah, yeah we know" Jimin said, walking back after putting his bag in his car.

"See you later Hannie" he said bring me into a hug.

"See you later Oppa" I said, soon hugging Seokjin.

"See you" Seokjin said, kissing my forehead.

Watching the duo drive away in their cars with a soft smile and a wave.

Closing the door behind me as I get ready to have a shower-


Grabbing my phone from the kitchen counter to see the caller ID.

"Rosè Eonni?" I mumble.

"Hello, Eonnie is everything okay?" I ask, hearing shuffling on the other side.

"Eomma!" I hear a cheerful and cute voice say.

"Hey Bubba, happy birthday!" I say with a smile

"Tank ou Eomma~" he says. "Jwae mish ou" he says, I can already imagine the cute pout on his face.

"Aww Bub, I'll see you later today. We're going to have so much fun!" I said in a funny voice, hearing his giggles made a bright smile appear on my face.

"Otay Eomma, Awnty Lisha ish cawwing(calling) me..." he mumbled.

"Oh okay then, see you later Bub" I said.

"Bwye Eomma Jwae wuv ou" he said.

"Eomma loves you too Bub" I smiled.

Soon cutting the call as I get ready.


Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook all stood at the top of the staircase. Playing rock, paper, scissors on who sneaks out first to leave the mansion.

They can't let Taehyung know that their going to his son's birthday party.

"Jungkook and Jimin you guys go" Yoongi said.

"But Hyung wh-" Jungkook cut himself off with the glare sent by Yoongi.

"Yes Hyung" he said.

Both of them slowly going downstairs, looking left and right to see any signs of Taehyung.

"And where do you two think your going?"

A deep voice echoed throughout the dark living room.

"Aah!!! It's a demon!" Jimin yelled jumping into the arms of a shaking Jungkook.

Both of them looking in the direction of where the voice came from. Only to see the lamp switched on and a serious looking Taehyung in sweatpants and a gown looking at the duo expectantly.

"Yah! Taehyung don't scare us like that!!" Jimin scolded the younger whilst in the arms of the confused Jungkook.

"I'll ask again, where are you two going?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, ignoring Jimin's scolding.

"I...uh I have to go feed my bunny!" Jungkook said, lowering his head when both of his Hyungs give him the 'wtf?' Look.

"Jungkook you don't even have a bunny" Taehyung said.

"I-I do. His name is Kookie" Jungkook defended.

"And in that clothes?" Taehyung asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"A-ah yes! His bunny is stubborn so we have to dress up for it to make him eat" Jimin said with a fake smile, pinching Jungkook for such a dumb idea.

Without letting the other finish the duo ran out of the mansion, waiting in the van for their Hyungs.

"Yah! A bunny...seriously?" Jimin shouted.


"Okay, Namjoon and Hoseok your turn" Seokjin said with a worried tone, after the maknae's got caught he thinks it's just better to jump out of the window.

Jeez...this harder than sneaking out without my parents knowing!

Soon Namjoon and Hoseok were downstairs, praying that they weren't caught.

"You guys better have a valid reason for going out at this time" Taehyung said, smirking at how Hoseok looked scared and how Namjoon panicked.

"I-I uh...I have to water my shoe! And if I'm not there in time its going to run away" Namjoon blurted out, running out the door with a confused Hoseok.

"So much for a high IQ of 148" Hoseok mumbled as he slouched between the two maknae's.


"I swear, if he catches us I'm gonna flip!" Seokjin complained as him and Yoongi stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh come you old man" Yoongi grumbled pulling his sassy Hyung behind him.

"Hyungs, please explain" Taehyung said, catching the two with a small smirk.

"Oh unbeliebubble!" Seokjin dramatically sighed, throwing his arms up in the air.

"I need new pillows since the ones I currently have are uncomfortable. So Hyung wanted to show me some at the mall" Yoongi said with dull eyes.

And without giving a chance for Taehyung to reply they both left. Hopping into the van.

"You just had to use 'unbeliebubble'... sometime I wonder if you really are my Hyung" Yoongi complained. Laying his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

"You're so lucky I didn't bring my pan" Seokjin threatened, squinting his eyes as he started the engine and soon drove off to the Cafè


"I have to see where their all going. This is all getting out of hand. And when did Namjoon hyung suddenly water his that why he's so tall- aish never mind. Servant get me a shirt" Taehyung rambled, getting his keys.

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