Chapter: 10♡

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"Bub, please don't make this *sneeze* d-difficult." I said to the toddler who refuses to put on a jacket.

"Jwae no go dwoctor" he says folding his arms. Seeing his pink nose, puffy eyes and pouty lips sucking on a paci, looking back at me.

It's been three days since I found out Jaehyung was sick. He was clinging to me so bad I couldn't even use the bathroom in peace!

Just as I expected in less than one day I got sick, I stayed in bed with him. Our coughs, sneezes and whines echoed throughout the apartment. I tried to give Jae something to eat but he always refused, not helping the situation he's in. So now I decided to take him to the doctor. And he's refusing...

He's so stubborn...someone help me with this child.

"Bub don't you want to get better?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Jwae do wan' get bwetter but *cutely sneezes* ...dwoctor is scawwy" he says crawling into my lap.

"The doctor is not scary Bub, the doctor will help us get better" I assured kissing his forehead as I bring him closer.

"Dwoctor won' hwurt Jwae?" He asked looking at me with big doe eyes.

"Doctor will never hurt Seungie *sneezes * because you are a brave boy, mmh?" I asked seeing him nod wildly.

"Eomma..." he mumbled. Humming as I rub his back.

" 'M cold" he says cuddling closer to me.

"Will you put on the jacket I got?" I asked.

"Yesh Eomma" he answered nodding his head.

Fifteen minutes later of assuring that the doctor is not a 'meanie'. We got ready and we head to the doctor. Both of us coughing and sneezing. Wiping Jaehyung's runny nose here and there and keeping him extra warm.

 Wiping Jaehyung's runny nose here and there and keeping him extra warm

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(^What Jaehyung is wearing^)

(^What Jaehyung is wearing^)

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(^What Haneul is wearing^)

After taking the bus we finally arrived. Walking into the building as I told the receptionist that I already placed an appointment with Mr Chae.

"Hey Oppa" I said sitting opposite Hyungwon with Jaehyung sitting in my lap.

"Hello Unclwe- *cutely sneezes* Wonnie!" Jaehyung says looking at Hyungwon with the best smile he could make.

My cute baby!

"Hey there munchkin!" Hyungwon greets with a soft smile.

"You guys got sick again?" He asks taking the file that was on his table. Nodding to his words as my eyes follow his movements

"Okay then, let me check what's wrong to be 100% sure and I will tell you the results." He says guiding us to the bed.


"You just caught a cold, nothing major but Jaehyung seems a bit weak. Has he been eating?" Hyungwon asks lifting his head up from writing something on the paper.

"He refuses to eat anything except yoghurt" I answered looking at the sleeping form of Jae in my arms.

"I see, you got to get him something to eat to get better quickly. You also haven't been eating properly. Your diet...Hanuel this is very concerning especially with having a weak immune system. Are you having your vitamins?" he said with a sigh.

Awesome...aish what do I do now?

"No..." I mumble, pouting when I hear him groan.

"Here is the prescription for your medication...and please take it. If you don't have enough money, don't be afraid to ask Hanuel" he handed me a piece of paper with writing on it.

"Thank you" I said, slightly frowning at him.

Standing up with my son in my arms I bow slightly. Leaving the building with a heavy heart.

Looks like I'll need to work overtime...

Entering one of the drug stores nearby in a mall, I buy the specific things we need. Jaehyung awake in my arms as he plays with his Tata plushie that he asked for.

"How you feeling Bub?" I ask touching his cheeks and forehead to feel his temperature.

"Mmh- *cutely sneezes*" nuzzling his face into my neck as I pay for the medication.

"We going to have Jjapchae and *cough* get better!" I cheerfully said leaving the store as I kiss his head.

"Eomma gon' mwake Jwapchwae?" He asks looking at me with doe eyes.

Chuckling at his cute face I laugh and talk with him until-


Snapping my head in the direction of the somewhat familiar voice.

The sight had my face paling. Looking up to see six pairs of eyes staring back at with wide shocked eyes. Especially Hoseok and Jungkook.

Feeling Jaehyung wiggle and whine in my arms. With furrowed eyebrows I set him down, only to see him run to Hoseok.

"Unclwe Hobi!" He shouts hugging Hoseok legs clutching onto the arm of his Tata plushie.

"Haha...h-hey there little one" Hoseok says awkwardly picking up Jaehyung- who's laughing and giggling but sneezing in the process- and looking at the confused faces coming from his friends.

"Achooo!" Sneezing loudly, my nose and head starting to pain. Everyone now looking at me.

I'm so screwed...

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