Chapter: 56♡

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"I-it was an easy t-task to do, but your c-clumsy ass had to get b-burnt in the process...does it still h-hurt?" Hanuel fussed as she blew over Taehyung's red blistering hand after putting some ointment. Her eyes teary when she looked up at the male.

"Hannie...hey ssshhhh, it's okay I'm fine" Taehyung caressed Hanuel's cheek with his good hand. He looked at the young woman with soft eyes, trying to calm her down.

Hanuel stared at his chocolate brown eyes with quivering lips. "I-I know, i-it just reminds me a lot of-"

"Yes I know, now calm down. Don't think about them, their not here....mmh?" Taehyung reassured her with his calm voice.

Hanuel slowly calmed down, tears slowly fading away and her breathing under control. But still, she continued to stare into Taehyung's eyes, feeling like she was drowning in them, but it was a good kind of feeling.

Almost like a pull, like a trance, anything to compare with the feeling of continuously staring at you ex boyfriend that you share a child with.

Taehyunh went through the same situation, staring at the smaller as he still kept his hand on her warm cheek that's gradually getting warmer.

Only then did he notice Hanuel's cheeks turn a dark shade of red and he smirked at the now flustered female in his arms.

Slowly, as seconds passed. The two inched towards each other, like a string that connected both of them together got smaller and smaller, pulling them closer and closer.

And once they were close enough and felt each other's warm breaths on their upper lip. Taehyung's eyes drifted between Hanuel's hazel brown eyes to her red tinted lips.

And suddenly, he leaned in and gently placed his lips on hers. Waiting for any kind of response.

Will he get rejected?

Will he get a slap??

Will she push away???

No, she didn't. She kissed him back, tilting her head to the side and responded to feeling she dearly missed.

She felt like chocolate, melting under the hot blazing sun. She felt like she finally quenched her thirst, she felt satisfied.

Taehyung, surprised but happy continued the kiss. Holding the hair at the back of Hanuel's head, almost like she would disappear.

He could feel her soft like lips, almost like rose petals mold into his. And that's how it felt for the male, like this was just an illusion. Like his mind just made this whole scenario in his head, but he knows this is real and will cherish this moment-

He spoke- well thought to soon.

Hanuel backed away and stared up at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"I-Im sorry...I-" she got up and ran out of the kitchen.

Taehyung sighed as he stared at his hand, but a dumb smile was present on his face.

Hanuel kissed me?

I kissed Hanuel?


"Do we really have to talk about this?" Hanuel squirmed in her seat and kept her head down staring at her plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

"Well, I do want to know why you have been so distant with me. Whenever I entered the room, not even a minute later you would leave. I felt sad at first, but now it's annoying because you're always I really want to know. But if you're uncomfortable...then no, we don't have to talk about this" Taehyung answered with his soft yet deep voice as he continued to eat his meal. (The meal is the same as Hanuel).


Taehyung let out a little sigh and carried on eating, she's always been closed off and never shared her feeling with him. And it seems she doesn't plan t-

"I didn't mean to distance myself from you..." Hanuel whispered as she stared at her plate.

Taehyung stared wide eyed, shocked to hear her speaking.

"I've finally found out what really happened that night...that night you were drugged and not cheating on me. I feel extremely guilty for thinking otherwise and left, but when we met each other for the first time after three years..." she played with my shirt she wore as she spoke,

"You've really hurt me, you've insulted me in front of my- our son, my friends and my customers. I know I should have said something, and it was dumb of me that I chose not to. But I was and still am effected by the words you said- but I've been having mixed feelings lately-"

"Meaning?" Taehyung asked, staring at Hanuel with hopeful eyes. Like a teenager smiling at the sight of his crush confessing to him.

"Did that kiss mean anything to you?" Hanuel asked, finally lifting her head up and staring at the male opposite her.

"I'm going to be really honest with you Hanuel, and this might make our situation even worse. That kiss meant a lot to me, I've said some- well a lot of immature things about you and when I say I regret that...I truly do regret whatever insult I said about you. Believe it or not, but I really do care for you Hanuel, I still love you-" Taehyung cut himself off and stared at his hands in deep thought.

"I do too..."

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