7) UA Sports festival

Comenzar desde el principio

Koichi: Oh, please call me Koichi, I'm too young to be called Mr.

???: Koichi, where the hell did you go?

They both then turned

Koichi: Oh Kazuho, sorry. I was helping Mikumo here.

Kazuho: He probably helped you

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Kazuho: He probably helped you. Pleased to meet you anyway, I'm Kazuho Haimawari, his wife. Please call me Kazuho.

Mikumo: Mikumo Midoriya and no, it was Koichi who helped me. I was actually lost.

Kazuho: Well, it's the first time Koichi has actually been of any use.

Koichi: HEY!

Mikumo then took a better look at Kazuho.

Mikumo: And yet ... I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before ... Do you ever come to the "Midori" bar now and then?

Kazuho: Ah, actually no, sorry. Maybe you got confused.

Koichi: Well, we have to go now. See you Mikumo.

The two then left.

Mikumo didn't think too much about it and ate quietly. On the other hand, now that he's as tall as Shoto, has black hair and red eyes there's no chance he'll be recognized right?

*Meanwhile, in the teachers' room*

Inko: Nezu, Toshi, Shouta, I'm telling you! There is a guy who is Izuku through and through. He has only black hair, red eyes and is a little taller.

Toshinori: Are you sure Inko? Maybe he's just an Izuku-like person.

Shouta: All Might is right, Magnet. We don't have to jump to conclusions.

Nezu: You're right Aizawa, but why don't we keep an eye on the boy? While it's here.

Inko: Yes, please.

Toshinori: *Sigh* Allright then.

*Back with Mikumo ... or Izuku ... as you like*

Midnight: Okay, break over! The 1 VS 1 battles are about to begin!

Mikumo then made his way into the stands again. The first battle was between Izumi and Hitoshi Shinso. The latter said something to Izumi and when she replied she froze and started walking towards the outside but once she got to the edge, One for All activated in Izumi's fingers, curing a lot and stopping her. She then turned and threw Hitoshi out with ease. Nobody heard their speech ... but you readers have.

Hitoshi: You know, you are very lucky. Not just a nice quirk but even two ... You will never understand what we go through every day. We "Villain and weak". You never understand it.

Izumi: How...

You know what happen next. Afetr the blow up whit the finger.

Izumi: Don't ... dare me to say these things ... I know what you all go through with quirks that are not beautiful, not suitable or even without quirks ... Because I myself was the cause of the disappearance of a quirkless boy.

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