Drunk Lies #20

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Requested by laxont 

A/N - Hope the person who requested this liked this. And I hope everyone doesn't mind that I made you Elsa and Anna's sister. 

Warnings - Mentions of an aggressive alcoholic and a fight (even though not described much of the fight). Not sure if they any others, let me know if there are. 

Your POV: 

Whilst walking in the bustling city of Arendelle, a tall muscular man purposely bumped into me and tried to make me apologise. "I will not apologise for something I didn't do sir." I said trying to be polite even though he was working my last nerve. "You listen here you brat of a princess. You will apologise this instant." He said angrily. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away but he grabbed my left shoulder forcing me to face him. "Either you apologise or I will smack you in the face. Do you hear me girl?" I roll my eyes at him. Did I mention he has the breath of an alcoholic which means if he tries to attack his aims will be all off. And when he did try to slap me, I simply stepped to one side. Only the next time, he did manage to punch me, but in the stomach and that was it. I completely lost it. 

Elsa POV: 

Me and Anna had just come out of Arendelle's most famous chocolate shop and of course Anna had bought a ridiculous amount. Maybe she ought to cut back on the amount she buys, then again, she and Kristoff will finish them together most likely. My thoughts were interrupted when one of the citizens came up to us looking worried. This meant one thing. Y/N, our sister, has gotten into trouble again. The woman told me where she was and me and Anna both ran over. Anna trying not to drop any of her chocolates along the way. Honestly. 

Anna POV: 

When we found y/n, she was in a fight with another town drunk which concerns me. Elsa looks over at me and I can tell she is annoyed with our sister. Suddenly, a line of ice forms in the middle of y/n and the man. "That is enough!" Elsa yells. "Yeah, what's all the fighting about?" I asked. "Your majesty, I was on my way back home when she purposely bumped into me and tried to make me apologise even though I did nothing wrong. I tried to politely walk away after spending part of the day in the tavern but then she attacked me, so I had no choice but to fight back." As the man speaks, I can sense something is off about what he said. Why would a drunk man be so polite? They either cry all the time or get aggressive. 

Time Skip 

Your POV: 

Once we arrived at the palace, Elsa was silent. She is only ever silent when she is angry with me and right now she is. I just hope she didn't believe that drunk guy.  I knew I was in trouble when she ordered me to arrive at her office in half an hour. I'll try talking to Anna. Surely she would know I am telling the truth and he was lying. Right? 

Elsa POV: 

Thirty minutes went by and there was a knock at my office door. "Come in." I said firmly knowing who it would be. She watches me nervously as I sat in the chair behind the desk. I break the awkward silence beginning to form. "What on earth were you thinking y/n?" I say trying not to yell. "You seriously believe an alcoholic?" She questions with a hurt voice. "No, I don't y/n but that is besides the point. You are 19 years old. You should act responsibly and walk away." "I tried to walk away and he grabbed me and insulted me. What was I supposed to do? Let him carry on acting like that until he attacked first?" I sighed. She will never learn to stay away from trouble. 

Your POV: 

This is unbelievable! It's like she expects me to just stand there and let him say nasty things to me and not stand up for myself and when I do, it apparently causes more trouble. She then speaks again, "You're confined to the palace until you can stop getting yourself into trouble. We are royals and you need to act like one." My eyes widen at that. "You can't confine me. The winter festival is next week." I said trying to reason with her. "You're still confined to the palace. And you are not to attend the festival. And one more thing, I can confine you because I am your older sister and queen of Arendelle and you will do as your told." "Whatever, the event sucks anyway." I said and slammed the door as I left the room making my way back to my own room. 

Ending this one here. Hope the person who requested this like it. For everyone else, let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! Requests still open! :)

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