Anna Plays Matchmaker Part2 #3

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No One's POV:

In the castle of Arendelle, a certain queen could not focus on anything as she could not stop thinking about a certain girl, she met a couple of days ago. Elsa was in her study doing her best to concentrate and Anna walked into the study. "Hey Elsa, are you okay? You seem distracted lately." Elsa sighed as she looked to her sister, "I don't know. I just can't think straight." Anna's eyes gleamed at her statement but she thought to ask before getting her hopes up. "Would it happen to have anything to do with a certain someone we met a few days ago?" She asked with a knowing smirk plastered on her face.

Elsa POV:

As soon as Anna asked my that question, I knew exactly what she was trying to do. "I knew it! I can tell by the look on your face. You know what you should do?" I raised my eyebrow but let her continue speaking. "You should take the day off; I mean you've been cooped up in here for most of the week. You need to get out Elsa. And I know you want to spend time with y/n." "Anna, even if that were true, I wouldn't know where to start looking for her." Anna rolled her eyes and said, "Kristoff told me whenever she's not harvesting ice, she's around the town. So, I suggest you go and search for her." Well, I did say to her I might take her up on those horse riding lessons. "Okay fine." I sighed. "Yay!" Anna squealed happily which made me laugh slightly. I just hope it doesn't take long to find her.


Your POV:

Today is one of the few days I have off work. So, me and Phantom are in the town looking around for supplies we might need as my ice cutter isn't looking it's best. It's rather old and doesn't work as well as it used to. As we wandered around the town, I saw Phantom staring in a particular direction. I turned my head to see what he was looking at. Then, I saw a blue figure roaming the streets. It was Queen Elsa. Almost right after I saw her, she saw me. She smiled and walked over to us. "Hi, y/n. Is this the stallion you told me about?" I looked at Phantom and he at me. "Of course. This is Phantom." I smiled at how she was in awe of him. "A majestic name for a majestic stallion."

Elsa POV:

I eventually found y/n and who I presumed was her horse. He was the most stunning creature I had ever seen. They really do make the perfect pair. After she introduced me to him, I said to her, "So... are you two busy? I can come back later if you are." "Oh, no we're not. Err, busy that is. How – How about those riding lessons I offered?" I was hoping she would ask before I did. "Of course." "First things first, we need to get you an easy horse to ride on." I smiled and rolled my eyes. I raised my hands and moved them in a circular motion and my magic began to show. A few seconds later, a horse made of ice appeared in front of us.

Your POV:

Wow, I knew she had the ability to control snow and ice but I've never seen her magic in action. I was amazed she made her own ice horse, although I should have seen that coming. "Okay Phantom, lets show them how to ride." I said as he lifted up his hoof for me to mount up. "How did you teach him to do that?" The queen asked me. "Honestly, I didn't, he just does it." I responded. Elsa moved her hand and pointed to the ice horse and moved it down. Then, the ice horse lay down and she mounted on it. "That's not bad for a first time mounting on a horse." I say to her.

Elsa POV:

I attempted to instruct my ice horse to lie down unsure if it would work or not. When it did, I mounted on him and he stood up. "That's not bad for a first time mounting on a horse." Y/n said. "How about we start simple by walking. Once you feel comfortable with that we can move to trotting." I nod and watch her as she instructed Phantom to walk on. I gently squeezed the horse and he started walking. "How about we walk to the castle, see if you can manage it?" "Sure." I said. With that, we continued in the direction of the castle. "The only thing to remember is to try not to tense up if you ever get nervous as they can feel that and will automatically assume something is wrong and go into fight of flight mode." Good to know, I thought to myself. Maybe now is my chance to get to know her.

Your POV:

"So, when did you and Phantom meet?" I asked. "I saved him from a mountain lion when he was just a foal." Her eyes widened, "A mountain lion? How did you survive?" "Let's just say, a mountain lion met my ice cutter and it didn't end well for it. Also, a spot of luck is always helpful." She nodded and asked amazed, "And he stayed with you ever since?" "Sure did." She definitely seemed impressed by that. "Does Kristoff know about that?" I was about to answer when I realised, we were at the castle. "Oh, we've arrived your majesty. And you didn't fall off once." We both dismounted. Elsa almost seemed disappointed by this. "Something wrong?" I asked. She didn't say anything, just stared at me. She slowly yet elegantly walked over to me and pressed her lips against mine. I was taken aback by the sudden action but did not mind one bit. Once she pulled away, her ice horse disappeared and she went inside the castle leaving me speechless.

Ending this one here. Sorry this was so long and if it seemed rushed, wasn't expecting both parts to be this long. I guess Anna playing matchmaker helped a lot huh? *Wink, wink*. What would you guys say if I turned this into a story fic? Also, don't forget to let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! :)

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