Red Is A Dangerous Colour Part3 #15

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You all asked for it and here it is! Enjoy!

Elsa POV:

We finally reached the castle gates and rushed to get medical help for the girl. Once she was with a doctor, all we could do was wait. I sat in my study nervously tapping the desk. I am in no mind to do paper work right now, I need to be in there with the girl but Anna insisted I do something to take my mind off things. Why I thought attempting to do paper work was such a good idea is beyond me. I stood up and began pacing the room. Eventually, a knock sounded on the other side of the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me, Anna. Doctor wanted me to tell you she's awake and is really confused about where she is and what happened." She told me. I immediately opened the door and followed my sister to her.

Your POV:

I woke up to find myself in a strange place. The man in the room said he was a doctor and was instructed to treat my injuries. "Injuries? Wait, happened? Where am I?" I said frantically and tried to sit up but couldn't due to bandages on me. The door suddenly opened and in walked a platinum blonde haired woman. When she walked right up to me, I could see her properly and wow was she the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. "Could you give us a minute?" She asked looking at the doctor who left the room. "I'm sure you're confused as to what's going on." I nodded wanting an explanation.

Elsa POV:

"Well, I just so happened to be out in the woods with my sister, Anna and her boyfriend Kristoff when we heard the wolves. We realised they were attacking you and we managed to drive them away." I told her deciding it was best to leave out the fact Grand Pabbie told me that she is my soulmate and that's how I managed to find her. "How did you manage to drive them away? They are an extremely strong pack." She asked. Her eyes went wide as though she remembered what happened. "Last I remember, one of the wolves was dragging me along the stone floor but I escaped. Then, the alpha sent the whole pack looking for me." "Forgive me but, why would a pack of wolves be looking for you?" "Well, I am human just like you. There's your answer." I sighed, "Anyway, you're welcome to stay as long as you like but one more thing, what's your name?" "Y/n." "Well y/n, I am Queen Elsa, but you can just call me Elsa." I told her with a smile and left her to rest.

Several Months Later

Your POV:

I walked around the castle still managing what Elsa had told me. She told me how she really found me and to say I was speechless when Grand Pabbie said we are soulmates was an understatement. Elsa also explained the meter on her arm was red meaning that her soulmate aka me was in danger. She did ask me if I had a meter on my arm and oddly enough, I didn't. We asked Grand Pabbie why only one of us had one. "The meter only shows up if something bad is about to happen to your partner. Oh did I forget to mention, I finally conjured up the courage to ask Elsa to be my girlfriend once we got to know each other and she said yes! Of course, we would work out all the details of future events if needed such as an heir to the throne, marriage etc. but you can't marry someone you just met so... there's that. But overall, everything is going perfect. "Y/n?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yeah snowflake?" I asked Elsa. She didn't say anything but pressed her lips onto mine gently. I sighed into the kiss. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I couldn't have asked for a better happy ending than this. 

Ending this one here. This is the final part to Red is a dangerous colour. I couldn't think of a good ending so I apologise. Anyway, let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! :)

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