Blind Moon #16

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Thank you to the person who suggested this name for this one! 😊

Elsa POV:

The streets of Arendelle was filled with life. People busy working, trading or just simply wandering the kingdom. It was a good feeling knowing my kingdom was safe. "Elsa, look out!" I barely heard my sister when I bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I turned around to see the most stunning girl I had ever laid eyes on. Suddenly, a growl sounded and a wolf came from beside her. "Easy Ghost, we don't know if she's friend or foe." The girl stood back up and asked, "Mind telling me who you are?" She asked without looking directly at me or Anna. "Oh erm, I'm Queen Elsa but you can call me Elsa and this is my sister Anna." I said looking towards her. "There's two of you here?" Then it hit me. She's blind.

Your POV:

"Yes, well she was anyway. She decided to go into one of the bakeries." I laughed. "Oh well, me and Ghost better be getting home." I told her. "Is it far where you live?" She asked concerned. "Depends if living out in the woods is classed as far." I tell her. "Why do you live out in the woods? I mean how do you provide for yourself? You know what, I need to stop talking." I laughed; I found her awkwardness cute. "If you must know, me and Ghost are heading home to his pack." "I'm sorry but did you say pack? As in pack of wolves?" She asked, her voice concerned but mainly worried. "Of course. Ghost here is the alpha and he stays with me if I decide to come here. He usually has someone to take care of them when he's out with me though."

Elsa POV:

Unbelievable! This girl lives with wolves? Surely that has to be dangerous. "Err, how about you stay in the castle tonight instead? You know if you want to." I asked. Better to keep her safe than not, right? She didn't say anything for a while which made me think she was going to decline the offer. "What do you think Ghost?" His tail starts wagging and he jumps on her causing her to laugh. I smiled as I watched the scene unfold. "Alright boy, if I stay here you go back to your pack and I'll find you tomorrow okay?" I sighed relieved she wasn't declining. The wolf barked happily and ran off into the woods. "Okay then, shall we head to the castle?" I asked. "Sure, but don't you need to get your sister?" I mentally face palmed. How could I forget Anna had run off into the shops? "Okay, we'll head back once I find her."

Your POV:

"I don't think that'll be necessary actually." I tell her. "What do you mean?" I step to the side as I heard someone running towards us and fell. I assume it was her sister, Anna I think her name was. "So, what did I miss?" She asked. "Y/n here is going to join us for dinner and she'll be staying in the castle for the night." I raised my eyebrow. She didn't say anything about have a meal with them. "You really don't have to go through that much trouble, I can get food myself." I tell them. "Please, we insist. Anyway, the castle is beautiful, wait until you see it!" Anna said. "ANNA!" Elsa yelled in a whispered tone. "What?" I didn't know what was going on at that point until I heard Anna say, "Oh right, sorry. I didn't realise you were..." "Blind? Now I always forget that one." I said with a smile on my face. I heard a sigh from Elsa, I'm guessing she's glad I wasn't offended.

Time Skip

Elsa POV:

Back at the castle, I sat with Anna and y/n as we ate. Olaf was there too. "So, Anna, where is Kristoff? Another delivery trip?" I asked trying to break the silence. "Yeah, he should be back in a few days hopefully. I nodded and continued eating. "Y/n. Elsa told me you and your wolf live with a whole pack? What's that like?" Anna asked her. I was curious to know myself.

Your POV:

"Well, it hasn't always been easy, especially in winter. In winter food is scarce for them and they will hunt down anything they can get. There have been a few times when the wolves I usually get along with tried to attack me for food. But Ghost being the alpha managed to stop them from doing so. But in the spring time, cute little pups are born, I assume they're cute anyway and just imagine their first steps!" I sighed trying to picture what that would be like. Anyway, after the meal, Anna retired to her room which left just me and Elsa. "You know, I'd love to hear more about the stories with the wolves if you stuck around." Elsa told me. "Of course, I'd be happy to tell you about them." They both then guided me towards the castle.

Ending this one here. Since everyone has asked for a fanfic of Red is a Dangerous Colour, I may do just that but attempt to write the reader as a blind character. This is my first time writing for a blind person so please any improvements let me know! I may also write part 2 if people want it. And if anyone can spot the reference, I put in from Magic Sword Quest for Camelot I praise you! Anyway, let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! :)

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