Shera And The Princesses Of Power Crossover #30

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You, Adora, Bow, Glimmer, and Entrapta crash land onto an unknown planet. What you don't realise is that you've landed in the Enchanted Forest. When you meet Elsa, you know right away she'd love Etheria and be perfect for the rebellion. Can you convince her to join you on your crazy ride? 

A/N - May need a part2. Let me know if you want that. Also, this is based off the Netflix reboot not the 80s version, just a heads up. Not proofread either. 

Your POV: 

I went with Adora, Bow, and Glimmer and Entrapta on the spaceship. It has now been a week a week since then and the ship is in need of repairing after being attacked by Horde Prime. Anyway, the bad news is that we are about to crash. We didn't even get the chance to see where we were about to land before we went down. It all happened so fast. The only thing I took notice of was the forest we had landed in. It seemed inhabited. But the forest is beautiful with it's autumn reds and golds. If Horde Prime were to never find this place, I'd happily stay here forever. That's how beautiful it is. 

Elsa POV: 

I was patrolling the forest with Bruni the fire spirit and Gale the wind spirit when something unusual happened. There was a loud crashing sound so I ran in the direction of the sound to see what was going on. To put it simply, what I found was so unusual, maybe even alarming. I've only ever read about spaceships. Even scientists haven't been able to confirm if aliens exist but maybe just maybe, they do and I'm about to find out. "We could do with Shera just in case Adora." Someone says. It was a guy and a few other girls step out of the ship. But they look human? So, aliens don't exist but other worlds with humans do? Also it was the guy who said that, though I'm not sure who this Adora is. 

Your POV: 

"For the honour of grey skull!" Adora yells and transforms into Shera. It's amazing every time. The others agree too. When we have Shera, I summon a fireball just in case too but don't shoot it anywhere. Not until I need to and if I don't, I'll make it vanish. A twig suddenly snaps in the distance causing us all to be alert. Well, all of us except Entrapta who's more interested in some piece of tech she has. I roll my eyes at her and try to pin point where the sound was coming from. Then, an eerily beautiful woman comes into view. That doesn't stop us from remaining in our defensive position though. "State your name and business." I say to this woman with my fireball still in tact. 

Elsa POV: 

After the girl who told me to state my name and business, I told them. "I'm Elsa, I protect these woods. So, I should be the one asking who you are and what your business is here." "Princess y/n. And this is Princess Shera, Queen Glimmer, Princess Entrapta, and Bow. We crash landed here after we were attacked by Horde Prime." They're all royalty? "Do you all have powers?" I asked motioning to her fireball and glanced over at the one they called Shera as I witnessed her transformation into the tall woman she is now. "Me, Adora and Glimmer do. Bow is a master archer and Entrapta is a specialist in all things tech." "Wait, Adora? I thought she was called Shera?" I asked confused. "Shera is my alter ego princess. My normal human name is Adora." The blonde tells me. That explains the transformation I suppose. I am starting to think these guys aren't a threat. "If you like I can show you round and help you get any supplies." 

Your POV: 

I was quite surprised she had offered that after Adora explained about Shera. Maybe she just realised we'll do what we need to do meaning fix the ship and be on our way. But grabbing some food and water wouldn't hurt. "Why don't we stay with the ship and y/n goes with her?" Bow says. Adora and me were both fine with that but Glimmer wasn't so certain. "Sure we might not be dangerous, but what about her?" My eyes widen. "Glimmer!" I whisper yelled at her knowing that was inappropriate of her to say. I apologise to the woman.., Elsa was it, about her and went with her to gather supplies. 

Elsa POV: 

Y/n seemed quite well, enchanted by the forest. "You say you protect this place?" She asks me. I nod my head to say yes. "Protect it from what. Usually a place so beautiful like this has to be dangerous. It's a saying, where there's beauty there's danger." How to answer that, she made a normal question so deep. "Well, I protect the villagers and keep the other spirits in line." She raises her eyebrow at me. "Spirits?" "Basically there are five spirits. Earth, air, fire and water. The fifth being snow and ice aka me." "So who have the other four elements?" "Bruni the little salamander here has fire powers, Gale is the wind with a playful nature, and the rock giants is the earth spirit. And until I came here, I thought I was the only being with magic but I guess I was wrong." 

Your POV: 

As Elsa explained about the spirits and her situation with magic, I knew immediately she'd fit in at Etheria. Not only is she royalty, but she has her own powers. She would be perfect for the rebellion. But I don't think she's the type to immediately drop everything for a life threatening adventure. I can but try. "You know you'd love Etheria, our home planet. We're part of a rebellion to stop the Horde invading but that hasn't gone so well. There are other princesses who have magic. Earth, air, fire which is me, water, sparkles which is Glimmer's nickname because of her magic. And if there are those who don't possess magic, they have special abilities like Bow and Entrapta with archery and tech." She seemed deep in thought. I even thought she was going to refuse. 

Elsa POV: 

Her world sounds amazing. Maybe I should go. But then there's my duties to the forest and Anna. I can't just leave the planet. Not unless there is a definite way of getting back here safely. "I'll consider it." Is all I say. I'm not saying yes, but I'm not saying no either. I'd have to confide in Anna if I was to do something so reckless. "You know, it was a last minute decision for me when I joined the rebellion. I lived on another planet to them originally but decided I was bored of my everyday routine and needed a change and it turned out to be the best thing to ever happened to me and gained some amazing friends." I swear it's like she knows I'm really debating this. Hmm, I think I know what I'm going to do, call me crazy for doing this. "I'll do it. Only if you give me time to talk to my sister whose back in the kingdom." She nods and we finish gathering supplies and head back to their ship which has now been repaired. "Ready to fly?" Yep, one crazy adventure this is going to be. 

Ending this one here. This was way longer than I imagined. It probably needs a second part so let me know if you want that. Anyway, requests are still OPEN! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

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