Anna Plays Matchmaker #2

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Your POV: 

I had just finished collecting today's load of ice to sell when Kristoff appeared on Sven. "Hey y/n. I have some friends I've been wanting to introduce you to." I raise my eyebrow at him. "That depends. Who?" He looked at me like I should know who he was talking about. "My girl Anna of course and her sister, Elsa." Suddenly it hit me. He wants me to meet Princess Anna and Queen Elsa. "Err Kristoff are you sure? You know I don't do well in front of well anyone really." "I'll even let you bring Phantom." He said smiling almost pleadingly. I turned Phantom, a black stallion with snip marking on his muzzle. He whinnied happily as though he could understand what Kristoff was asking of us. I sighed whilst rolling my eyes, "Okay fine, we'll come. When do you want us to meet them?" "Now!" He said. I wasn't expecting him to say right away but I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Besides, you'd love Elsa. From what I gather you two have a lot in common." I sigh a second time and mount on Phantom, Kristoff on Sven and we head towards the castle. 

Kristoff POV: 

I'm glad I finally persuaded y/n to meet Anna and Elsa. I've been telling Anna about her and she right away said she could be perfect for her sister. We were about to head off when y/n called over, "Wait, what about this ice? I need to sell it before it melts." I looked to Sven and he to me knowingly. "It'll be fine, just bring it with you, if it melts, I'll get more ice for you and you won't have to lift a finger. Deal?" "Deal." She said hesitantly. With that, we galloped to the castle. It didn't as long as normal but then again, Phantom is one of the fastest horses I've ever encountered. Once we arrived we headed into the stables to take care of Sven and Phantom before going inside. 

Your POV: 

Once we put Phantom and Sven in the stables, I felt myself getting nervous. I really don't do well around people at all. Probably due to the fact most of the time it's just me and Phantom. The two of us wandered around the halls for a while. Kristoff was searching for them, I on the other hand just followed wherever he went. After a while, he found one of them in the library. "Anna! There you are. Remember when I said I'd bring y/n one day." "Sure, you told me the other day Kristoff." I heard who I assumed was Princess Anna. "Well here she is." Kristoff said smiling as he pulled me into her view. The princess stared at me as though she was trying to figure something out. "Ooh, she'll definitely be a perfect match for Elsa!" "Err Kristoff, what is she talking about?" I question him with a raised eyebrow. I was beginning to feel as though there was more of a purpose of him bringing me here. "Okay, I wasn't entirely honest with you. Anna here is trying to set you and Elsa up. In other words she's playing matchmaker." My eyes widened at this. "What? That's ridiculous! I don't even know her! Why would you do that? You know what I'm taking Phantom back home. Later guys." "Wait y/n." I heard Kristoff and Anna almost yell but I was already out of the room. 


Elsa POV:

After a long days work, I decided to see where Anna had gotten to. She wasn't in the kitchens so I decided to try the library. I was on my way when I accidentally bumped into me. "Oh sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I said to them. "It's fine, really. You in a hurry to leave?" The woman looked at me and said, "Err, if you mean trying to escape Kristoff then yes, I'm in a hurry." I raised my eyebrow at this. "What do you mean trying to escape?" I noticed she her face went red as soon as I asked this question. "Err nothing, err your majesty. Anyway I better be getting Phantom and heading home." Now she had my curiosity peaked. "If you don't mind me asking, whose Phantom?" Her eyes lit up at this. "Oh, he's my stallion." A stallion? That must make her a good rider then. "I assume you know how to ride a horse, what with being err queen and all." She sort of questioned. "Actually no. I've not had the chance." I told her. "Oh, well, if you ever need any lessons, you can always get Kristoff to find me and I'll gladly help." I smiled at this. "I might just take you up on that." "Great, anyway I better get going before Kristoff finds me again, err bye your majesty." She practically ran down the halls. 

As soon as she disappeared, Anna and Kristoff appeared. "So, what did you think of her?" Anna asked. "Tell me Kristoff, is Anna trying to set me up with someone again?" He nods sheepishly. "Well, I guess this time your plan worked." Anna looked like she was about to burst with excitement. "I told you Kristoff! I told you she would be perfect!" She said clinging onto him. "Wait a minute, is that why the girl said she was trying to get away from you?" I said trying to hold back a laugh. "Sounds about right. Also she never said her name what was it?" "y/n." Kristoff told me. "She offered to teach me to ride a horse, I might just take her up on that offer." I do hope I get the chance to meet her again. 

Okay ending this one here. It is a lot longer than I anticipated. So long, I will have to write a second part. Sorry if it's not as good as it could have been. Anyway let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! :)

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