Chocolate Time! #38

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You and your wife wake up from what was supposed to be a nap and head to the kitchen to make a hot chocolate drink and eat some chocolates that you both keep hidden from Anna for obvious reasons. To put it simply, it's a quiet night full of chocolate and maybe something else at the end. ;) 

Requested by Pewdiepie8240 (I may have changed the ending slightly but hopefully it just makes it more interesting for you ;) ). 

A/N - No actual smut at the end but it's definitely implied. 

Your POV: 

I woke up and it's 9.30pm. We were only supposed to have a nap for an hour and get back to work. I nudge her till she wakes up. "What is it? I'm sleeping." "I want chocolates and a hot chocolate drink!" I tell her. "Well then go and get it from the kitchen yourself y/n." And she pushed me off the bed literally! "Who are you and what have you done with my wife? You never say no to chocolate. It's both yours and Anna's weakness." I said climbing back onto the bed and leant over her. Then she smirked and I knew I'd won this round of getting her up, hehe. 

Elsa POV: 

Eventually, I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep but y/n's also right about me never saying no to chocolate. Plus a nice hot chocolate drink might help me get back to sleep. I know there's lots of work to be done but it can wait till tomorrow. So, we both get up and head straight to the kitchen. It's only us two in there since the staff have all gone home. It's fine though because we've made ourselves a hot chocolate plenty of times so we know what we're doing. And while that's being made by me, y/n takes out a secret stash of chocolates. I say secret because if Anna knew about them they'd all be gone in seconds. 

Your POV: 

"How many pieces we having tonight?" I asked as I get out our box of chocolates. "Might as well finish it since we're going to the chocolate shop tomorrow anyway. Which ones are left?" "Erm, soft caramel which are mine, strawberry, plain, and orange." "Oh that's more than I expected. Ooh, pass me a strawberry one please." "You got it." And I threw her a strawberry piece and I ate one of the caramel ones. I have such a soft spot for caramel, unless it's hard caramel then I'm not a fan. Anyway, we both sighed in content as the chocolate and fillings melt in our mouths. Elsa places her head on me as the water boils for the hot chocolate. "Are you going to want yours more chocolatey or milky?" She asks me. "Surprise me." I answer and kiss her cheek. 

Elsa POV: 

When the water was boiled, I poured the cocoa powder into our mugs followed by some water then milk topped with marshmallows. I make ours more milky as it will send us back to sleep. That's just what warm milk does. As soon as I hand her her drink, I say to her picking up our chocolates, "We should bring these back with us." She smiles at me and we both head back to our room. It's quiet times like this I cherish most. 

Your POV: 

Once we got back to our rooms, we each had another piece of chocolate. I had a plain one this time and of course I caved when she asked for just one caramel one. Seems almost cruel to not let her taste the soft sweetness of the caramel. I put another piece in my mouth, an orange one this time, but then I notice Elsa looking at me strangely. "What?" I question and take a sip of my hot chocolate drink. "Hurry up and swallow!" I raised my eyebrows and swallowed what was in my mouth and smirked at her suddenly clicking on. She quickly grabbed my shirt and kissed me hard. It was a kiss that got heated quickly which meant we are not going to sleep anytime soon, hehe. It's amazing what chocolate can do to a person honestly. This generally happens when we have a night full of chocolate. ;)

Ending this one here. What did you all think? Lemme know in the comments. Requests are still open via comments or private message. Don't forget to VOTE! :)

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