Is She Alive? #28

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While Anna gets the rock giants to destroy the dam, you are trying to find your girlfriend Elsa who you don't know if she's dead or alive or just somewhere else helping the villagers. 

Warnings - Angst with a happy ending. 

After Anna managed to destroy the dam in the Enchanted Forest, I noticed something was off right away. I just couldn't figure out what it was at first. Then it clicked. Where's Olaf? For that matter, where's my girl Elsa? Why is it just Anna saving the forest with Kristoff and the Arendelle soldiers helping? I had my theories but I would much prefer to believe they are just elsewhere helping out. I'm not much use to them as they're doing fine without me. 

I go to find the little friend Elsa made, the salamander also known as either the fire spirit or Bruni. I find him lay on top of a rock looking sad. "Hey little guy." I say to him and he stands up and looks at me then climbs into my hand that I offered out to him. "Have you seen Elsa?" I didn't get any form of response. Then again, I don't know why I expected one. He's just an animal with fire powers. 

Suddenly, he and the other spirits look towards the sky and there is the symbol of the four spirits lit up. What does that mean? But the rock giants have now stopped throwing their boulders at the dam. I better go and make sure Anna and Kristoff are okay. I run towards the direction of the dam to find it completely destroyed. What will happen to Arendelle now that the dam has fallen? Will it fall too or somehow survive? Only time will tell. 

Eventually, I manage to find Anna who looks upset. "Hey Anna, what's wrong? Where's Elsa and Olaf? I've been trying to find them to make sure they're okay but not had any luck." Then she hugs me and bursts into tears. What on earth happened? Are my theories right? I seriously hope not. "She's gone. Olaf too." So my awful theory of something bad happening to them are correct. I'm next to start crying. Not only has Anna lost her sister, I've lost my girlfriend too. "How?" I asked still crying. "She went too far to find the truth, which she did find." 

We're both momentarily distracted when all the reindeer run out of the forest into the sun and run in a massive circle. Sven ran with them. At least one of us got our happy ending. And at least Anna still has Kristoff and Sven, I'm back to being lonely again and staying with them will be a constant reminder of that. While everyone is distracted I leave them and wander towards the ocean alone. I lay down on the ground not caring how uncomfortable it is. Then suddenly, snowflakes appear in front of me. I must be going mad. But then I hear a whinny of a horse on the ocean causing me to stand up quickly and my gods its her! She's not dead after all! 

When Elsa reaches the shore, she dismounts the water horse and opens her arms to me and I run to her and we both hug as tightly as possible. "But how? I thought you were dead." She doesn't say anything but wipes my tears away and kisses me gently and places her forehead onto mine. "I was but the spirits all agree that Arendelle deserves to stand." I smile at that. "Anna will be happy to know that." Then Elsa conjures some snowflakes and sends them in the direction where I left Anna who quickly followed her snowflakes. She cried happy tears and ran to hug Elsa like I did. I moved over to allow them to catch up. She told them about Arendelle but that's not all. "You are the fifth spirit!" Anna says in realisation. Of course, how did I miss that? Her new outfit etc makes sense and it makes sense how she's alive now. Elsa told Anna that Arendelle deserved to stand with her as their new queen. Anna was shocked by this but I wasn't. 

Kristoff came running over and was also happy to see Elsa and they hugged too. "You're okay! You look different. You cut your hair or something?" He says jokingly. "Or something." Elsa answers hugging both me and Anna. Elsa then revived Olaf which both me and Anna were very happy about. After that, Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf and Sven went back to Arendelle while me and Elsa stayed in the Enchanted Forest. 

A few weeks later, me and Elsa are spending the day with the spirits and getting to know them better. Bruni is on my hand while she conjures a small circle of snowflakes surrounding the little salamander. It's funny that a creature with fire powers is obsessed with snow but it's adorable nonetheless. Gale then passes us with a letter. We both knew it was from Anna. "Charades Friday night, don't be late. And don't worry, Arendelle's doing just fine. Love you. I love you too sis. What do you say y/n, head back to Arendelle?" "Sure, why not." I say and kiss her cheek as she summons Nokk who becomes an ice horse. While it maybe a cold journey, I love the fact I'll be able to tell people I rode a horse made of magical ice. And I also love the fact that Elsa is not dead after all and all of us got our happy endings. 

Ending this one here. What did you all think? Also I want to start writing for Elsa again. So start sending in your requests! NO SMUT THOUGH! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

Elsa x Female Reader One Shots REQUESTS CLOSED!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora