The Proposal #10

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Requested by kittenlover2221

Your POV: 

I pace around in my room. Tonight's the night. It has to be tonight, no backing out now! I kept repeating to myself. A knock on the door made me jump slightly. I opened the door to find Gerda. "Everything is set up my lady. May I ask when do you plan on asking her?" She asked. "Tonight, it has to be tonight. Sorry Gerda, I'm extremely nervous about doing this. Is that normal?" I asked her. "Proposing to the one you've been in love with since the day you met even if she is the Snow Queen. But yeah I'd say it's very normal to be nervous y/n." "Y/N! There you are!" Another feminine voice sounded, it was Anna. 

Anna POV:

"So when are you asking her?" "She told me tonight and I just told her everything is set up for then." Gerda told me. "Gerda can I talk to you for a second?" She nodded and I pulled her away from y/n's room. "Elsa told me some pretty big news this morning." "Is everything alright with her your highness?" She asked. "Oh she's fine, just that she told me was going to propose to y/n tonight. Do we tell y/n?" I asked unsure what to do. "I think it would be best to see how this plays out. When they realise they are doing the same thing, they will see they are truly meant to be." "Gerda you're a genius, okay I'll let it play out like you said." She nodded and continued her duties and I went off to find Olaf. I need to make sure I don't tell Olaf though because he cannot keep a secret. I laughed thinking this. 

Time Skip: 

Elsa POV: 

Finally, everything is ready for tonight. I just really hope she says yes! I went to search for y/n, knowing her she'd be in the library. Only thing was, she wasn't. 'Hmm that is odd. I wonder where she could be.' I thought to myself. I went out to the garden but she wasn't there either. "Your majesty." I turned around to find Gerda. "Good evening Gerda, have you seen y/n?" She seemed hesitant to speak at first. "All I've been told is to give this scroll to you your majesty." "Oh, err thank you." I said as I took it from her. Once she left, I opened the scroll. It read, 'There is only one thing sweeter than you and is found in one place in Arendelle.' I wonder what that means. I think for a moment, then realise y/n is leading me on some sort of scavenger hunt. I thought for a few moments before clicking onto what she was talking about. Chocolate and the chocolate shop. Maybe she left something just outside of it. 

Once I got there, I found another scroll, 'great another clue.' I thought to myself. The second scroll read, 'The night is still young, in this party just for two, your dream will come true.' She is being really cryptic isn't she? Wait a minute, party, night is young? The ballroom of course! Good thing I love this woman because she is sending me all over the city with ridiculous clues. I used my magic to get to the palace as quickly as possible also making sure I don't lose the ring I have hidden. 

Eventually I arrived and went straight to the ball room. But what I saw, was not what I expected. Y/n already on one knee holding a ring. So that's why she had me search for clues. "Elsa? We've been together so long and you know, heck all of Arendelle knows that I love you more than anything, will you marry me?" I was just so shocked I didn't even know what to say. I smiled and pulled her towards me and my lips were quickly connected to hers. "There's erm something I need to show you too." She looked at me with a confused expression as I put my hand into the pocket of my dress. I got out the ring I had to propose to her with. "I err..." I didn't know what to say at this point. "You were going to propose too?" I nodded. 

"Do you still want to ask me?" It took me a moment to recover from what just happened. Then, I knelt down on one knee and said, "Y/n you I also love you more than anything. I may not show it around other people but when it's just us, I forget about everything and time with you stops for me and I couldn't be happier. Y/n L/n, will you marry me too?" She smiled and said, "Of course Elsa." And pulled me into a hug. I kissed her a second time and held her hand. "I guess we better tell the people the news, Anna first though." I said as we linked arms to find Anna. 

Ending this one here. Okay I thought this was cute. To the person who requested this, I put my own twist on it I hope that's okay with you. Anyway, let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! :)

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