The White-Tailed Eagle #27

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Elsa is your overly protective mother. How will she react when she knows you've wandered out of sight of the village in the Enchanted Forest? Will you be in trouble even though you're just trying to help a white-tailed eagle whom of which you can understand when it makes noise?

The day started off as any regular day in the Enchanted Forest. I'd wake up early and my mother would tell me not to wander too far away from the village. Only, little did I know I was about to discover my own powers. 

It all happened when I heard a squawking of a bird. But when I saw the bird it turned out to be a white-tailed eagle. They're native to this land but often stay far away from humans. Poor thing got caught in a trap though and was struggling to escape it.  It was quite a distance away from where I was stood but still in eye view. The only problem is, if I venture even slightly out of sight of the village, I will be in serious trouble. Eh, screw it, this bird needs my help. I don't care about lectures right now. 

Carefully and slowly, I approach the eagle. It's squawking becoming more frantic due to stress as it watches me getting closer. "Hey there fella. How'd you get yourself tangled up in this mess?" As I got closer, the squawking began to turn to someone talking. Shockingly, it was the bird. Turns out I can understand what he is saying somehow. "I was chasing a rabbit. It managed to evade this snare. It actually hurts my neck." "I thought birds of your kind ate fish?" I said to him as I untangled him from the wire. "Wait, you can understand me?" The bird asks. "Seems so." 

The bird was eventually free but he had some serious wounds on his right wing and leg. "I have to bring you back with me. You need help to get better." I tell him. "Go with a human? That's absurd. Besides I'm fine." Though when he stood up and attempted to spread his wings, he cried out in pain. "Okay fine. Just for a little while though. As soon as this wing and sore leg heals, I'm flying straight back to my flock." "You got it. Mind if I carry you back since you're struggling to walk. Also it would be a long walk for a creature as small as you." He grunts but lets me pick him up. "I'm y/n by the way. What's your name?" "My name is Anker." 

Time Skip 

Once we reach the village, I find my mother with Yelena. She looks worried which probably means I'm in trouble. Oh well, it'll be worth it when Anker can fly back to his flock. "Mother." I call over to her. She immediately runs over and hugs me checking for any injuries which is kind of annoying because she's way too protective. "Where have you been? I told you to stay in sight of the village." Then she looks down at Anker. "Oh, I see. What happened to this bird?" She questions me. "I found him caught in the snare. And even though I was out of sight of the village it still wasn't too far out of the boundary." "Okay, I'll let it slide this once. Just don't make a habit of it y/n." I smiled and handed Anker over to Yelena. I knew he'd be fine with her. 

Time Skip 

A few weeks has passed and Anker has gotten much better. However, I have kept my new power a secret from her because if she were to find out I can now talk to animals, she would become even more relentless than she is now. I basically wouldn't be allowed to explore anymore because she'd think I'd want to venture out further to find other animals. Anyway, Anker is about to be released into his flock. As he flies off, he looks back at me and yells, "Thank you! Now I know who to find if one of us gets hurt or sick!" 

After that, I had back to the village with my mother and Yelena. "Alright. You can go off and explore if you want to but stay close to the village." Mother tells me. "Actually, can I go with you to help with the reindeer?" If I'm going to start talking to animals, might as well start with the ones that live in the village before getting to know anymore wild animals. "S-sure." Mother says obviously surprised I asked that. If anything, I'll actually spend time with her for once where she's not lecturing me for almost or actually wandering too far away. 

Ending this one here. Not to sure about this one either. Was kinda rushed. Anyway, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

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