The Giant Snowflake #14

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A/N - Starts off as angst but not the whole way through. I will also look at writing part 3 for Red is a dangerous colour as so many people have asked for it

Elsa POV:

Her body fell to the floor, her warm body now ice cold. Her chest was still. Not even a flicker of life. She was gone. Why did it have to be her? She was too innocent, too pure to die like this! I embraced her lifeless body. This was all my fault! She shouldn't have put herself at risk to save me from him! I cried as I continued holding her. Ice formed around us and snowflakes began to fall. I was so engrossed at holding onto y/n that I didn't even know there was anything going on around us. Any voices heard were distant yet so close. "Elsa, please she's gone, there's nothing you can do." I heard Anna cry out. But I refused to leave her side.

I watched as snowflakes continued to fall. One of them stood out from the rest for it had a different pattern to mine. At first, I was confused but then I watched the scene unfold before my eyes.

An individually patterned snowflake landed on her chest. I didn't think much of it at first, but then a blue light appeared where it had fallen. The blue light travelled around her body until the shape of a giant snowflake formed on her chest, still lit up in a light blue colour. Y/n's hair grew a white streak like Anna used to have. Not long after, the giant snowflake vanished. I turned to my sister confused as too what just happened. "Look!" She said. I quickly averted my attention back to y/n to find she was breathing. Wait, she's breathing! That means... she's alive! I cried tears of joy as she began to wake up.

Your POV:

My eyes opened slowly. The first thing I saw was Elsa kneeling over me. She had been crying, but why? I slowly sat up my head suddenly pounding. "Ugh, what happened?" I questioned. "I have no idea. You were gone but you're back and that's all that matters!" Elsa said and threw herself onto me. This definitely surprised me but I returned the hug anyway. "If I had to take a guess, I'd say it was the blue light that transformed into a snowflake and brought you back to life." I looked up to Anna who spoke then back to Elsa who just stared back with her piercing blue eyes. We just stared at each other until Anna broke the silence. "Okay, so this is clearly a moment you two are having, so, I'm just going to go over there. Yeah go over there." She said awkwardly causing Elsa to giggle. Boy do I love that laugh of hers.

Elsa glanced back at me but this time I was unable to read her expression like I usually can. She ran her hands through my white hair. "Err, Elsa, how come I have white hair?" I asked her. "Your hair transformed into this colour when the giant snowflake brought you back to life. Why, are you upset by it?" She asked worriedly. I smiled at her and said, "Actually, I kind of like it plus I don't feel the cold anymore." "You can't?" She asked. "Nope, I'm guessing it had something to do with that giant snowflake of yours?" I questioned. "Maybe." She responded looking at me with that unreadable expression again. Before I could say anything else, she slammed her lips onto mine making me squeal. Once I was able to get myself together, I kissed her back with just as much passion, if not more. "I love you y/n. And don't you scare me like that ever again! She said slapping me on the arm. I laughed at her, "I love you too." I told her and placed my lips onto hers once again.

Ending this one here. Sorry if it's not as long as normal. It was also supposed to be an angst but I ended up coming up with this instead. So, let me know you think and don't forget to vote! :)

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