Chasing Reindeer #5

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Your POV:

It was just another day helping my brother Ryder take care of the reindeer. So far everything was going to plan. Suddenly, the wind spirit, also known as Gale blew the gate to the paddock open. This resulted in the reindeer to escape. I immediately got on my trusty reindeer named Hickory who has been stood by my side all day. Ryder got on his and we chased after them. The big large group separated into two groups. I told my brother to split up and find a way to lure them back into the paddock. With that, I instructed Hickory to speed up and overtake them as I saw they were headed right for the village.

Elsa POV:

I was in the village when suddenly, a large group of reindeer came running through. People were right in the middle of their path so; I used my magic to block them without hurting anyone. The reindeer changed direction. This time, they were headed straight for Yelana. Once again, I used my magic but this time, I used it to stop them being able to run elsewhere. When all the reindeers were in one place, y/n dismounted her reindeer as it was galloping and ran over, Ryder did the same. Before I could say anything, Yelana walked over to them. "What happened this time?" She asked them.

Your POV:

I was so relieved Elsa managed to keep them all in one place. I'll have to thank her later. Yelana approached me and my brother who arrived at the scene a few minutes ago. "What happened this time?" I didn't know whether to tell her it was the wind spirit playing around that caused it but Ryder beat me to it. "It was the wind spirit. It was playing around and opened the gate to the paddock and that is what caused them to escape." Yelana looked at me. "Is this true y/n?" I just nodded not really knowing what to say. The wind spirit appeared and was once again being playful, proving we were right.

Elsa POV:

"Gale, did you let the reindeer escape?" Gale became excited as though telling me yes. I sighed, "You know better than to interrupt other people's work." The wind spirit then disappeared. "Gale won't bother you now." I told them. "Thanks Elsa, I guess we should get them back home. Come on Ryder." Y/n said. I smiled and said, "You guys need a hand?" They both seemed surprised by this. "Only if you're sure." Y/n told me. "I wouldn't offer if I wasn't sure." I smiled at them again. Then, y/n helped me onto her reindeer as soon as she mounted on him. I used my magic to melt the trap used for the reindeers.

Your POV:

Once I helped Elsa get on Hickory, she used her magic to free the reindeers now that they had calmed down. Then, she wrapped her arms around my waist causing me to blush. I tried my best to hide it but I don't think it made a difference. As soon as my brother had them all rounded up, we made our way back to the paddock. We eventually managed to get them all back inside safe and sound. Only then were we able to dismount. I dismounted first and offered to help Elsa but she said she was fine getting down herself. With that, I locked the paddock tight this time. I sighed grateful that they were all safe and none of the villagers were hurt.

Elsa POV:

"You know, if Gale is ever playful like that again, just come and find me, I'll be happy to help." I said to y/n. "Sure, thanks. I can imagine it will happen again." She said smiling at the reindeer. I laughed slightly at that. Her reindeer suddenly pushed her toward me. I saw she was going to fall and managed to catch her. I stared into her eyes then towards her lips asking for permission. But she was already doing the same. So, I leaned forward and gently connected our lips. It was quick yet so much emotion was there. I knew I was blushing at this point. We just smiled at each other and just forgot about the world around us.

Ending this one here. Sorry for the awful ending. Let me know what you thought. Requests are still OPEN! Don't forget to vote! :)

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