The Girl With The Matching Tattoo #9

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Elsa POV: 

I am currently out in the town with Anna and Olaf. "Did I ever tell you when I met Kristoff tattoos of a reindeer magically appeared on the upper part of both our right arm?" "No you didn't. Why did that happen?" I asked curiously. "Well, we asked Grand Pabbie and it turns out when someone meets their soulmate, they get matching tattoos that magically appear in the same place on the skin." "So, what you're telling me is that matching tattoos means you have found your soulmate, and you believe this to be real?" As I was talking with Anna, I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone. "Oh sorry." I said right away. 

I turned around and there she was the most stunning girl I had ever seen. 'Wait why did I think that?' I thought quietly. Suddenly, I felt something itching on my wrist... a tattoo of a snowflake appeared on my wrist. Luckily she wasn't wearing a long sleeved top so I saw it appear on her arm too. "Looks like you've just found yours Elsa!" Anna squealed excitedly. "My what?" I asked. "Your soulmate, duh! Introduce yourself." Anna whispered in my ear. I sighed knowing she wouldn't let me get away without talking to her at least. 

Your POV: 

Almost right after I bumped into the woman who was the queen I apologised. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going if I am being honest. But she apologised to me first so after I said sorry I told her it was fine. Then, I felt an itching feeling on my wrist. A small tattoo of a snowflake appeared as though by magic. I noticed one appeared on the queen's too. The queen and princess whispered among themselves for a second when the princess looked towards me, smiled and then left. So now it was just the two of us. 

"So, any idea why these tattoos randomly appeared your majesty?" I asked trying to make conversation. "Please, just call me Elsa. And my sister believes they show up when you meet your soulmate which I find utterly preposterous." "Really? I've heard rumours about it but now I think she may be onto something. I mean they did just randomly appear when we met and they both identical right?" She nodded and said, "Well if it's true, how about this? We try and be friends first and decide once we know each other well enough because quite frankly I don't like the idea of being with someone I've just met." I suggested. 

Elsa POV: 

I was surprised when she said that. "You know that's exactly how I feel and the exact reason I decline all these dumb proposals from princes in other kingdoms. Nobody seems to get the idea you can't marry someone you just met."  I said to her. "I completely agree. So what do you think? Try getting to know each other as friends first?" She asked hopefully. "Of course, I'd love to. Unfortunately, I have to get back to the castle for a meeting but definitely stop by the castle maybe tonight an hour after sunset in the gardens by the way I don't think I caught your name?" "I'll be there an hour after sunset and my name is y/n." She said with a smile on her face. I turn around and make my way back to the castle. I smile and think to myself, 'Maybe Anna was right about the matching tattoos after all and who knows maybe y/n will be the one. Only time will tell.' 

Ending this one here. What did you guys think? Also if you requested a while ago like over a week ago and I haven't done that request let me know what it was because I have probably forgotten. And I'll do them this time. Also don't forget to vote! :)

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