Oceans (Featuring Catmilla)

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"Nnmmh." Was Laura's only offering of protest as her fingers interlaced in the long black locks of hair and pulled her still closer, her other hand's blunt fingernails taking down Carmilla's backs

"There, I bet they'll leave you alone now." She proclaimed, wiping her thumb over the forming bruise on Laura's pulse point.

"Mmmhm, yep, that'll do it, yeah." Laura mumbles, still waiting until her knees were capable of holding her up on their own.

Gently, she pulled Carmilla's face down so that she could connect their mouths.

"There." She said breathing heavily. "Now we can go." She said cheerily. She swept out of the room, giggling when Carmilla groaned and slouched against the door and followed.

On the beach, Carmilla relaxed on the blanket with Perry, watching LaF and Laura play in the water and build sandcastles. The sun, even though they were in the shade, , was wonderfully warm and eventually she simply transformed into her cat form and napped while Perry stroked her back.

"Carmilla, wake up! Something's going on." Perry whisper yelled at her, shaking her until she popped back into human form.

"No, go into Panther mode that'll scare them off." Perry fussed.

"Not when I'm dealing with humans. What's going on?" Carmilla asked, scanning the area for her person.

"Those guys won't leave Laura alone and I'm pretty sure LaFontaine is going to get themself beaten up again. Go and do something about it, you useless vampire." Perry ordered.

"Fine. I'll go handle it. Stay here." Carmilla said, putting on her big, floppy sun hat and walked out to where the human boys were messing with her human and her human's best friend.

"What's up, Laura?" She asked calmly and casually.

"Carm..." Laura sighed in relief.

"OOOHHH, you're hot. We were just trying to get the shorty hottie here, to come and join in our wet tshirt contest. Maybe you could come too." The taller and more muscular of the two offered as he eyeballed her up and down in a way that made her skin crawl.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that my girlfriend said no and now you two are just pestering my friends."

"Carmilla..." Laura whispered as the boys cracked their knuckles.

"Leave them alone and be on your way. Your generation understands nothing of how to talk to a lady." She said in her most threatening vampire tone.

"You're not turning me down though, are you Shorty? It's okay, I've always wanted a lesbian." The only slightly less huge guy asked Laura and Carmilla was afraid that everyone would be able to hear her blood boiling.

"She's said 'no' four times now, dick-for-brains." Protested LaFontaine.

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