Chapter twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

Christmas came and went. Draco still had no idea of Y/n's capture, he had asked his mum if he could visit her, but Narcissa said it was too dangerous for her, fully aware that Y/n wasn't at home.

After Draco went back to Hogwarts, Luna was allowed to visit Y/n daily. They used the mirror to watch Harry's progress, and look after their parents. Upon Y/n's request, the deatheaters had used the obliviate curse on her parents, so that they'd forget about her completely.

The girl was preparing herself for her death, as she came to accept her horrid fate.

"Luna. When I die, I'm not sure if I want you to undo the curse on my parents. Do you think they'd be too sad?"

"Y/n you're not going to die. Harry will save us." Luna always said when Y/n talked about her death.

"But hypothetically, do you think it would be better?"

"No. The death of a child is a terrible thing but stripping your parents of their precious memories is even worse." The girl replied.

"When I die, please undo the curse for me. Please let my parents lay me to rest." Y/n pleaded.

"Y/n have hope." Luna answered taking her friend's hand in her own.

The girl only nodded.

Four more months had passed and the war was coming soon.

Draco had been up every night, worrying about Y/n. It was unlike her to leave without a trace. 

News of the Godwins moving to Canada eventually reached him, he didn't believe a word of it.

It was too sudden and there was too little information.

He was sitting in the Hogwarts express after receiving a letter from his mother telling him he needed to come home on account of deatheater meetings.

Voldemort was holding these meetings more frequently now that the war was approaching.

"Draco!" His aunt exclaimed when he arrived at the door of Malfoy Manor.

Draco just nodded and entered.

"Do you like your girlfriend's new mark? I did it just for you!" Bellatrix snickered.

"What do you mean auntie Bella?"

"Oh you don't know do you?"

"Well then I must reunite these star crossed lovers!" She exclaimed pulling Draco to a room and undoing some sort of silencing spell.

"You mean Y/n's in here?" Draco asked while raising his eyebrows.

"Yes my dear nephew! Per the Dark Lord's request of course. If you're lucky enough he might let you watch her execution. She unfortunately has requested a short and painless death, so not much of a show."

Draco's body started to tremble and his breathing quickened. That sounded exactly like Y/n's wise thinking.

Bellatrix skipped off, leaving the nervous boy outside the large black door.

He knocked hastily. No response.

"Y/n?" Draco whispered.

Y/n's ears perked at the sound of his voice, but she didn't respond, she only walked closer and quietly leaned her ear against the door.

"Y/n it's me." He said softly.

"Can I come in?"

Y/n still didn't respond, maybe she didn't know what to say, or maybe she just couldn't bring herself to speak out loud.


"No." She finally said.

Draco's heart stopped upon hearing her tiny voice and he was determined to hold her.

"Y/n I'm coming in." Draco said as he pushed open the door.

"Just go" y/n yelled and slammed her body against the door to keep him out.

"I'm not leaving until I see you" he replied calmly.

"Well then you're never going to leave." She huffed.

"You're being stubborn."

"Just go."


"Your refusal is not making me forgive you."

"I don't care! I don't care, okay? I just need to see your face again. I need you."

"I hate you."

"Please Y/n let me explain"

"I don't want to hear it."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you did."

"You did Draco, and now I'm going to die. I'm going to die and I haven't even tried Italian gelato yet..."

"...I'm going to die" Y/n whispered, not to Draco, but to herself.

Everything was becoming too real. The girl slid down the door and began to cry.

Draco listened to the girls quiet sobs and his heart broke. He had done this.

Draco slowly opened the door, making sure he didn't hit her and scooped the girl into his arms.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay" Draco repeated the same words Y/n had told him the day he broke down in the Prefect's bathroom.

"He's not going to hurt you. I won't let him hurt you." He whispered.

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