Good With Kids P2

Start from the beginning

A look of understanding was universally dawned. Cap spoke up first. "I'm Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers."

"He's not very good with his secret identity," Natalia commented, shifting back around so she could lean her back into Spider-Man's chest. She took notice of his webshooters, so he ejected the canister in his right wrist and let her fiddle to her heart's content.

"They don't keep one. They all live here, in a tower filled with security and other superheroes. I live in an apartment in Queens with my last living relative."

"So, you worry about your family? Why? Is it dangerous? It must be super dangerous!"

"I've racked up an impressive amount of bad guys who want me dead," Spidey shrugged. "Besides, a normal life is kind of fun."


"Yeah, I feel like I'm undercover all the time. Super weird when people talk about Spider-Man to Peter, though. Like, I could totally do without knowing who's crushing on super-me."

Clint snorted, finally giving up the required sandwich and Capri Sun. "I'm your favorite Avenger, by the way, Nat. My name is Clint Barton, codename Hawkeye."

"He's lying you think he's one of the biggest idiots of all," Spider-Man corrected. "And, for the sake of not being biased, I'm not going to claim any sort of favoritism."

"I will!" Stark laughed. "We've had-" That's as far as he got before a flurry of webs shut him up.

"I don't care if it's still Nat, young ears are listening," Spider-Man chided, his hands having also flown to cover the girl's ears. He prying his hands off and pointed to Stark. "Forget what you thought before, Stark's the biggest dolluphead."

She nodded dutifully, chewing up her bite and gulping down the liquid like her life depended on it. "Did Bruce or Cho check her over yet?"

"Yeah, they're reading up on kids' psychology because they couldn't get her to power through the bloodwork."

"You guys are hopeless. Have them get ready, we'll be down there in, like, five. Also, I'm gonna need a teddy bear."

"A teddy bear?"

"You'll see. And, while I doubt you have one on hand, a toy shot would be awesome."

"I'll see what I can do in five minutes."

Stark got the teddy bear in two and the fake shot in three. Spider-Man was above grateful, at that point. Natasha was ecstatic, and she named her new friend Медведь, pronounced Medved. Spider-Man grinned at the literal name, remembering his own stuffed animal from years back, an elephant named Señor Trunks. >bear<

While the duo sat in the living room, the vigilante mentally prepared her for what was to come, remembering a rant MJ had gone on about child psychology. "Okay, so we'll be the doctors. Медведь has to get some stuffing drawn, okay? He's a little nervous, so we need to calm him down."

"Don't be scared, Медведь!" she cried, latching onto one of his small paws. "Dr. Petey knows what he's doing!"

"This is just going to pinch a little bit, but the stinging will go away after we get what we need in order to keep you fit and healthy," Dr. Petey explained, side eyeing Natalia's comforting face. It always surprised him how into it kids could get when playing pretend.

"Yeah, you don't want to get sick! It's no fun!"

"Dr. Natalia, do you want to take the stuffing?" Dr. Petey offered, beaming down at the girl. She nodded dutifully and took the toy he handed her. It was obviously fake with how clunky it was and the ball on plastic at the end instead if a needle, but she handled it with the utmost care.

"Where does it go in?" she whispered, like it would break some sort of rule if Медведь knew she didn't quite know what she was doing.

"Here," Spider-Man whispered, humoring her and finding the approximate spot on his arm. She held the shot there confidently, Spider-Man's hand holding her own in place for about ten seconds before letting go. She held it in place just slightly longer, then she decided to let go herself.

"He needs a band-aid!" Natalia exclaimed, turning wildly to her partner in medicine. He obliged and shot a small web onto the spot, knowing that, when it it dissolved, it wouldn't screw up the fur.

"Okay, how what that, Nat?"

"Fun!" she cheered. "Can we do it again?"

"Well, now it's your turn. Dr. Brucie and Dr. Helen want to do it with you. Are you ready? Медведь and I will be right there with you the entire time."

She bit her lip. "It'll only sting for a little bit?" He nodded. "And, if I don't, I'll get sick?" He nodded again. "O-okay. I can do it, but you have to do it too. Медведь already did it, and I have to do it, so it's only fair." A knot worked it's way through the web-slinger's chest, constricting at the thought of what was to come. But, he knew he couldn't deny her or let her know he wasn't a fan of needles himself, so he gave her a nod of confirmation. "Then it's settled!"

Two minutes later, Spider-Man sauntered into the medbay with Natalia on his shoulders, clutching onto Медведь for dear life. "Hey, Spidey, Nat. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, we're ready," Spider-Man affirmed.

"You go first," Natalia demanded. The doctors gave him a questioning look.

He shrugged. "Apparently, I'm getting my blood drawn, too. 'Cording to Nat, it's only fair."

She nodded fervently. "It's true!"

Bruce smiled and shared a glance with Helen. "Okay then, role up your sleeve." Spidey did as he was told. While Bruce turned to prepare a second set of supplies, he whispered an assurance, knowing that the superhero would hear it. "Don't worry, we'll get rid of the blood. Everyone here respects your identity."

The blood work went without a hitch. Natalia squirmed slightly on Spider-Man's lap, but not enough to interfere with the procedure. And, everyone got stickers and Avengers themed band-aids.

A/N okay, the original plan was for this to be one chapter, but I'm over 2000 words and it's been a few days since I finished a oneshot. There'll definitely be a part two, but it'll probs come out at the same time another chapter comes out and it'll be tagged along the end of this. Also, for those of you who read ToS, I've got an idea for a bonus scene set between the first two chapters written from Happy Hogan's POV. Should I include it? Would anyone be interested in the occasional bonus scene?

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