Chapter 28

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Everything was black.

Her body felt numb, she couldn't move. Her ears had continued to ring even as she drifted off to sleep. She could feel herself wake up and then fall back asleep over and over again. She never opened her eyes, she couldn't, almost as though they had been sealed shut.

She could hear dragons talking around her, but she couldn't make out their voices. But, she was starting to memorize them. There sounded to be three dragons, but the third one seemed to only be there for half the day at least. The third one always sounded familiar, but she couldn't put her tongue on it at first, but she soon figured it out after she started to gain her memory back.

If she was being honest, her head hurt to even think. All she could really remember at first was her name and who she was, but after a while, she could think back to her family, she had one of those and she loved them. She started to remember more as time passed on, but, she couldn't remember anything after flying up into the sky within a beautiful sunset with a dragon named Salamander.

A gorgeous hybrid with beautiful patchy scales and eyes that seemed to sparkle like emeralds, just like the jewels that adored her body around her neck, her wrist and the scales above her eyes. She had a gorgeous SandWing frill that looked to wave off to the side with a curl in the front that almost looked to wave or bounce whenever she moved.

I want to see her again, Lavender thought as she was still lying still on what ever soft surface she was set upon. She couldn't move her body or open her eyes to find out where she was or who she was with.

She was pulled from her thoughts as she heard talons tapping on the floor, growing closer to her until she hears a door open and someone walk in whatever room she was in.

"Has she woken up yet?" It was the first dragon she heard when she woke, so she just called them One.

One sounded to be female, her voice rough and scratchy as though she hadn't drank water in a long time.

"No," sighed the second dragon. Who she'd named Two. He sounded male, his voice sounding soft like feathers. "She hasn't moved since she got here. I'm starting to wonder if she'll even ever wake up."

I'm awake! I can hear you! She wanted to scream but her body wouldn't move.

"I know," huffed One as she walked over to Lavender's bed. "But she did slam into those rocks rather hard and there's a chance that even if she does wake up, she might never be able to walk, fly or even move ever again."

"As her family been informed yet? Salamander mentioned she had a family in the rainforest."

"I don't know. I sent Salamander off today to find a messenger to deliver the letter I wrote for the family. I told her either she could find someone to deliver it or she could deliver it herself."

"Well, she hasn't come by all day since early this morning when you sent her out, so maybe she chose to deliver it herself."

"Maybe, the poor lass needs to take some time to blow some steam. She's been visiting every single day and I swear she'd live here if we let her." One huffed.

Lavender could feel One's talons brush against her wing. She wanted to twitch it in response but she couldn't move it no matter how hard she tried.

"Well, she is the patients girlfriend is she not?"

Girlfriend? Lavender's mind wondered as One removed her talons from Lavender's wing.

"I only know that's she's important to Salamander." One huffed as her talons seemed to make her way over to Two.

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