Chapter 26

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The days seem to pass by in a blur for the most part. She hadn't been able to leave her cell and her body was to sore to even move. She'd been locked in here for two days so far and with each passing moment, her heart would pound rapidly in her chest, her mind swirling rapidly like a storm. She wasn't able to warn her family, it'd be to late if she managed to find a way to escape today.

Each day she was ignored. The guards posted outside her cell would never talk to her, not that she would try talking to them but they didn't try to talk with her. She could only guess that their reason was because Animosity ordered them to not speak to her or around her since they sat in dead silence like statues.

Lavender's stomach felt empty yet she felt as though if she tried to eat, her food would make a reappearance later on within minutes, so she'd hardly touched any of the scorched food she was given.

She was brought back to the present by the sound of talons tapping on stone, someone was coming.

She could hear the three soldiers posed outside her cell stiffen and straighten up their backs from where they were seated with their spears clasped within their talons. The small hybrid lifted her head to look over towards the cell doors, the rusty metal bars seeming to be the most interesting thing within the bland room other than the guards. Across from her cell on the other side of the large and open room that had no windows. The only thing thing that kept the large room lit were the torches hung from the walls.

The large dark wooden doors opened to reveal a dark blue colours dragon with jewelry covering almost every scale. Sitting atop his head was a crown that looked to match Queen Animosity's though the spikes were smoother and looked more like soft rolling waves rather than greedy flickering flames. The jewels embedded into the crown weren't yellow or red jewels, hey were sapphire and lapis blues.

It was King Charming.

The Tribrid wore a smile on his face as he walked within the dungeon, two guards following close behind him.

"Ah Lavender! Just the dragon I was wanting to see! It's always wonderful how you're able to show up exactly when you're needed!" The king clapped his talons with a twitch of his frills and a dismissive flick of his tail.

The two soldiers that had been following him looked at each other for a moment before they turned around and took their leave, sending one last glance back over their shoulders before they closed the doors.

When she didn't respond to him verbally, only shooting him a harsh glare, the Tribrid's smile looked to broaden.

"Aw, why so silent my dear? Why don't you put a smile on you're face? No dragon is complete without one."

"Go suck on a slug." Lavender all but spat.

"Oh such attitude." Charming chuckled as she walked closer to her cell.

"Why are you here?"

"You're not in any position to be demanding things my dear."

"Well I'm in no position to do anything other than see how long it takes until you snap."

"Very funny." He smiled, making her eyes narrow.

"I guess since I'm such a wonderful and amazing dragon, I could tell you why I'm here." He tapped at his chin with one talon before looking over his shoulder at the three guards still within the room. "You three are dismissed for an hour."

The guards looked confused for a few moments, some even looked like they wanted to question his order, but, they kept quiet and quickly took their leave. Leaving Charming and Lavender along in the small dungeon room that only had three cells within it.

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