Chapter 6

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That morning, all Lavender could think about was her dream, seeing Animosity sitting atop a dark and twisted throne made her nervous. Sure, she'd only met the NightWing once and didn't want to meet her or her odd partner ever again, but she still at that awful feeling tugging at her from the back of her mind, the same one Rattlesnake gave her just over a year ago.

Something is wrong about her, and I don't like it, she grumbled to herself. She was currently walking down the palace halls by herself. She wanted some time to think but all she could think about was Animosity and how that NightWing was definitely evil. Lavender was like an evil detector or something. Yeah! And evil detector! She though as she puffed her chest.

Evil dragons beware! The bad dragon detector in on the case! She leaped forwards as though pouncing on something.

"What are you doing?" Lavender jumped and spun around to see her brother standing behind her with a smirk on his face. "Are you pretending to be a bounty hunter or something? You gonna go catch every criminal in Pyrrha?" He joked.

"Just you watch! I'll be the best there ever was!" Her frills fanned out as she gave off a proud smile as she puffed her chest.

"I'll be watching, that's what eyes are for."

"Your eyes work? Wow, I couldn't have guessed."

"Oh shush!" Her older brother slapped his open with atop her head, the two of them laughing as she pushed against the underside of his wing.

"So," Shadow started as the two siblings continued to walk down the SandWing Palace halls. "What's my little sister thinking about that makes her believe she'll be the best evil dragon hunter in all of Pyrrha?"

"I was thinking about this dragon I met back in the village outside of the Rainforest. Remember? I told you that the NightWing I met had your golden yellow eyes, but hers were dark and felt, evil. She just felt evil."

"You keep saying that." Shadowsplitter chucked as they kept walking.

"Yeah, because I'm probably right about her being an evil dragon." Lavender pointed out with a twitch of her fanned our frills that had started to shift brighter in colouration other than the black parts.

"Well, what makes you think you're right about her?"

"First of all, she's grumpy and gives me a strange feeling just like Rattlesnake." Lavender started off with a twitch of her wings as her frills folded back to lay calmly at the sides of her head and neck. "Secondly, her names Animosity, that's basically an evil name."

When her brother didn't respond, the hybrid looked up at her brother to see a thoughtful look on his face, so, she focused in on him to listen to his thoughts.

Animosity sounds familiar, she heard her brother think.

What do you mean? She asked him, grabbing his attention once more.

The word sounds familiar.

Yeah I know that you dumb lizard, but what do you mean by it's familiar?

It just sounds familiar, as though I've heard it before, the NightWing huffed.

Well that's usually how it sounds familiar, Lavender rolled her eyes. She got whacked by his wing, letting out a yelp. "Ow!"

"Smart mouth."

"At least I don't got a dumb mouth like you do." She smirked.

"Oh you're gonna get it!"

Lavender let out a laugh as she bolted, hearing her brother chase after her, laughing along as they raced down the palace halls and past several guards. At that moment, she felt as though she had forgotten about her nagging worries in the back of her mind about Animosity.

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