Chapter 25

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Lavender felt torn.

She wanted to run after Salamander, telling her that she wanted to believe her, but she also wanted to scream, pull at her horns and cry. Everything felt confusing, so the only thing she could do in her daze was to whip around and run to the closest window, tucking her wings close to her body before leaping out of it.

She let herself free fall into a dive for a few seconds before her wings shot out to catch her, using the air to lift her up and let her swiftly soar through the sky.

I need to warn my family, I need to warn my family, I need to warn my family, she kept reminding herself as her vision became blurry with tears. She used her forearms to try and wipe them away,

The image kept replaying in her head.

Salamander shouting at her, telling her she loved her. The other hybrid looked torn and confused, and hurt. Just thinking about it made Lavender's heart do flips, ones that made her feel as though it were hard to breath.

She was to distracted to realize she was flying directly towards someone until it was to late.

She slammed into their side, both them them making a startled sound.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I need to go-"

Lavender tried to fly off but she felt talons grasp her wrist. When she turned to look, she was met with the sight of Misfortunate. The blue tinted NightWing was looking at her with concerned and confused blue eyes.


That name made her stomach join along with her heart doing flips within her chest. She couldn't form any words as she looked away, her frills drooping.

"That's not your real name, is it?"

Lavender expected to be shouted at, to be attacked for not looking like a NightWing anymore, but, Misfortunate spoke to her in a soft voice, a motherly tone that reminded the small hybrid of her mother. When she looked back to face the NightWing, she was met with the worrying face of a mother, Simone who cared.

"I....." Lavender choked on her own words.

"'s okay." Misfortunate spoke softly as she pulled on Lavender's wrist softly to pull her closer before she wrapped her arms around her. In that moment, Lavender felt herself snap as the tears started to flow once more. She buried her face within Misfortunate's chest as the female NightWing kept saying soothing words while running her talons lightly over Lavender's spine.

"You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to right now." The NightWing told her softly.

Lavender just let her tears keep flowing. Her mind was swirling like a storm and she couldn't think straight. Images kept flashing in her mind. Salamander telling her she loved her before walking away from their argument. Her family in the rainforest being attacked by NightWings, being attacked by Animosity or Charming.

After a few moments, Lavender was able to speak and she let everything spill out. She told Misfortunate about what had happened. She told her everything. When she was done, she felt as though her throat was on fire, it was sore from the crying and now sore from speaking on top of that.

"Lavender," Misfortunate started. She looked up to meet the NightWing's gaze. "Everything will be okay, I promise."

"Will you be so sure about that?" Snarled another voice.

Misfortunate and Lavender both flinched as they separated and turned to see the owner of the voice, and it was someone that Lavender hoped to never see again.

Wings of Fire; Torn Between SidesWhere stories live. Discover now