Chapter 20

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"What?" Lavender felt speechless yet she was able to speak, though it felt as though she hadn't spoken at all as her mind swirled like a storm. She doesn't care? How could she not care!? The NightWing's are a part of the tribe!

"You heard me," Dandelion hissed with an annoyed lash of her tail. "She. Can. Have. Them." The Queen spat.

"How could you say that! They're your subjects!"

"Not anymore. They're finally out of my talons. Those NightWing's are nothing but trouble and all they do is complain, so why should I care what happens to them?"

Lavender was silent from shock, even Salamander looked surprised as her emerald green eyes were widened slightly, a look of disbelief clear as day on the other hybrids face.

"But...." Lavender felt her frills droop down the sides of her face, her talons curled as though they wanted to dig into the wooden floor beneath her, her tail started to lash before her frills fanned out in aggression. "They're your tribe! You're part NightWing! The whole reason you have NightWing blood within you is so you care about both tribes!" Lavender shouted, her scales shifting rapidly from black to lighter purples and shades of pink. Almost as though her scales were confused on what they were supposed to do. Her scales couldn't turn red to show her anger, so they flickered rapidly between pink-ish purple and black. "What kind of Queen are you!" She hissed, anger lacing her words as venom seemed to be dripping from her voice.

"How dare you speak to your queen like that!" Queen Dandelion hissed as her wings flared out, her teeth bared dangerously at Lavender.

"You're no Queen of mine if you don't even care for your tribe!" Lavender spat, her frills fanning dangerously at the sides of her head as her wings flared out at her sides. "I only speak the truth, and the truth is you're an awful and disgraceful excuse of a Queen."

Now both members of the royal family looked furious.

"How dare you insult the Queen like that!" King Palmtree roared as he stood up from his seat.

Lavender looked at him challengingly, her pink eyes narrowed as her tail lashed back and forth behind her. She could see from the corner of her eye that Salamander's body stiffened, her two tails lashing along side Lavender's, her wings flared slightly.

"She's no Queen if she doesn't care for her subjects." Salamander spat from beside Lavender.

Queen Dandelion let out a hiss as Salamander tugged on Lavender's tail, making her follow her out of the palace as the royal family shouted after them.

"We should probably go before they send any soldiers after us." Salamander suggested.

"They don't have soldiers, they do have dragons with darts though, so we should be worried about that." Lavender huffed as the two soon made it out of the palace, opening their wings to take off into the air.

It was silent between the two as they flew. Lavender's mind was racing like a raging storm with whirling winds. The Queen doesn't even care about the NightWing's, she'd just let half of her tribe go. What's going to happen now? I thought they'd be able to help keep the NightWing's where they belong, they've always been with the RainWing's, at least as long as I can remember. She thought as they flew. Why is everything going wrong? What's going to happen with the NightWing's? What's going to happen to dad? Will he be dragged away to be with the NightWing's? Will Animosity force him to be with her again and to leave mom?


Salamander's voice pulled the smaller hybrid from her thoughts.

"You're crying."

Wings of Fire; Torn Between SidesWhere stories live. Discover now