Chapter 16

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Lavender woke up to someone shaking her shoulder. She groaned slightly and buried her face within her talons.

"Lavy, get up."

"No." She grumbled.

"I told you I'd wake you up when something happened, well, somethings happening."

Lavender was confused for a few moments before the memories of that day came flooding back to her. Oh! That got her awake as her head shot up. She noticed her scales had shifted back to their natural purple as she slept, so she quickly focused on making them shift back to being black by thinking about dark coloured things.

"What's happening?" She quickly questioned as she shot up to stand.

"Animosity is rounding up as many NightWing's as she can, same with Charming. They're going to lead everyone to the rainforest."


"Right now, once they've rounded up more NightWings." Salamander flicked her tails.

Lavender shook her wings, her frills twitching before she quickly flattened them along the sides of her neck to keep them less obvious.

"Then let's get going."

Salamander nodded before they two shot off into the air and flew their way back into town where sure enough, NightWing's were being gathered in the centre of town hat was marked with a fountain with sprinkling water that looked to glitter like tiny jewels in the sunlight.

Where's Handsome and Beautiful? Lavender wondered as they flew closer before they landed. The two hybrids must've been somewhere, they surely could see all the NightWing residents gathering in the centre of town, so why weren't they here trying to figure out what was going on, but neither hybrid could be seen. The only dragons around were anxious or excited NightWings, with a few confused SeaWings, MudWings and SkyWings who were watching from around the large crowd of at least forty NightWing's of all ages. There were a few SandWing's watching wth curious glinting black eyes, their tongues flickering as their tails cooled behind themselves in interest.

Any SkyWing's that's were watching looked slightly anxious and confused, annoyed frowns on their faces as though they were annoyed they could not figure out what all this was. Some even had smoke rising from their flared nostrils as their wings twitched nervously.

A few SeaWing's that stood by were mostly huddled in small groups, either whispering to one another or speaking to one another in aquatic with their luminescence scales flashing in patterns that represented different letters witch each flash. Their frilly ears twitching nervously and perked up in interest.

Some of the MudWing's who stood by in groups, most likely their sibling groups, were watching with interest, but not that many looked to show any concerns, other than the few here and there who looked to be the largest of their groups. Lavender had heard that MudWing sibling groups always had a BigWing that was in charge, so maybe they were BigWings?

But that didn't matter. Lavender shook her head as her and Salamander started to make their way through the crowd until they found familiar faces. Dooming, Quietmind and Silentseer.

"What's going on?" Lavender whispered to Silentseer who jumped slightly as he looked at her.

"Strongmind!" He exclaimed in a whisper with a twitch of his wings. "It's great to see you're here!"

"That's great to see you missed me," she started with a nervous flick of her tail. "But what's going on?"

"Animosity and Charming told everyone who wanted to come with them to the Rainforest to meet up here, but there's been no sign of them since."

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