Chapter 11

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Why? Of all dragons! Did she have to find me! I should've found a better place to sleep for the night! She scolded herself as she looked at the other hybrid who was perched on a jagged bolder less than a wing length away from her.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." The splotchy hybrid said with a smile, her two tails coiling around the jagged rock she was perched upon. Her jewelry glinted and shimmered in the sunlight. The emeralds embedded into the scales above her eyes glowed the brightest along with her gold earrings. Her eyes glowed just as brightly as the jewels she wore.

"What are you doing here?" Lavender hissed, her tail lashing behind her, scattering any small pebbles around her.

"Am I not able to go where ever I please?"

"You know what I meant!"

"Alright fine," the hybrid gracefully leaped down from her perch, shaking out her wings slightly, the small star like markings within her wings looking to sparkle and twinkle like actual stars that would look to dance within the cool night sky along with the glowing moons. "When I came back, I found you were gone, which, let's both be honest, it was kind of expected."


"Anyways," the their hybrid started to walk around Salamander, her claws lightly tapping the stone with each step. "I looked for you. Yesterday I couldn't find you, but clearly I was lucky this morning when I found a certain purple dragon sprawled out across the stones on the side of a mountain."

"Why did you even bother searching for me?" Lavender demanded once the other hybrid had finished talking. Once Lavender spoke, Salamander stopped dead in her tracks.


"Yes! Why?!"

"You're fun company, which, I haven't had in a long time."

"I can see why." Lavender grumbled under her breath. Salamander either didn't hear her comment or just didn't care. She seemed to not care about a lot.

"Plus, you're kinda involved in some dangerous stuff now. So, I wanna keep my little niece safe, don't I?" She smiled, as though she were trying to be charming.

"I'm not your niece! So stop pretending I am!" Her tail lashed back and forth across the stone. "And I didn't want to be involved in all your troubles that you created for yourself by STEALING! What'd you even steal to get into this much trouble? To have such a high bounty price hovering above your head like a flock of butterfly's?!" She demanded as she poked the larger hybrids chest with one of her talons. Salamander didn't even flinch or try to push her talons away, she just, sat there, taking it.

"Okay, okay, I get that. No more calling you my niece, alright, that's settled. As for what I stole, I didn't really steal anything to get myself into trouble, I was just apparently getting in the way of a certain dragon and figured out to much, so, that's why I'm wanted."

"But you did steal something."

"Oh, no, of course not."

Lavender didn't even need to read her mind to know she was lying. She raised an eyebrow at the other hybrid, giving her a "really, you sure about that?" Look, which seemed to make the other hybrid crack.

"Maybe I did steal, some stuff, but that wasn't what got my caught!"

"Oh? And what did get you caught and lead up to all this. Go on, tell me. If I'm dragged into this whole mess, maybe I should, oh I dunno, know about it." Lavender sat back upon her hind legs as she crossed her forearms across her chest, her pink eyes narrowed into a glare towards Salamander.

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