Chapter 17

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Her village, it was her village. Why did Animosity and Charming lead everyone here?! Why not somewhere else in the Rainforest Kingdom?!

Salamander must've noticed her shock, because she was looking directly at the smaller hybrid with a confused look. "What's wrong?" She asked with a twitch of her ears that in turn made her earrings clink together lightly, making a soft tune of clicks.

"This is my village," she stated as she quickly tucked in her wings to dive down to the forest floor with a light tump and the squelch of mud beneath her talons. She heard a larger thump along with several others as Salamander and several NightWing's landed onto the forest floor. "Where my parents live, along with me and my brother. Why would they lead us here?!" She hissed.

Up ahead she could see the village clearly. NightWing's and RainWing's were coming out of their huts in confusion at the large group of dragons. Two dragons that Lavender recognized immediately were her parents. Strongwings and Orchid, they'd both stepped out of their hut to see what was going on. Then, out came Shadowsplitter. Soon after, Funnel and Sapphire came out as well.

They're all here, she wanted to run up to them and tell them she was okay, but she couldn't. She was pretending to be a different dragon, she was pretending to be a dragonet named Strongmind who was Salamander's Niece through her fathers side. If she were to reveal herself, who knows what would happen.

Another dragon that Lavender recognized was Silentbreath, the old NightWing had his eyes narrowed as he watched the group of dragons land at the edge of the clearing that marked the village.

The old NightWing started to make his way over, his eyes never looking to soften their glare. He soon stopped at the last hut at the village which was Lavender's families hut.

"What is the meaning of all this?" The old NightWing grunted with a shake of his head.

"Silentbreath, What a surprise to see you here." Animosity snarled.

Wait, did they know each other? Lavender wondered as she looked back and forth between the two NightWing's.

"I live here, so there's not much surprise." He snarled with a flick of his tail. "Now, explain what you're doing here, and why you've brought so many dragons along with you."

"Am I not allowed to visit my subjects?"

"Your what?" His voice lowered in pitch with a growl.

"You heard me, or are you to old?" Animosity hissed. "My subjects, which includes you. The NightWing's are rebuilding, we are rebuilding. We're going back to the ways once were!"

"What are you talking about? His is the way things are, we cannot rebuild. We've chosen to be a tribe along side the RainWing's."

"And for what reason? Because we were weak? Defeated?" She snarled. "Not anymore, we will rebuild our once glorious kingdom, and I will make sure everyone is treated equally like it should be!" She roared as her wings flared.

"Animosity." Hissed a familiar voice. It was Strongwings. He was ushering Orchid and the others inside the hut with his wing. "What is the meaning to all this?"

"Strongwings, oh it's so lovely to see you." Animosity's eyes narrowed.

"I would be lying if I told you likewise." Lavender's father's wings twitched.

I've never heard him sound like that, her mind raced as she watched the interaction between her father and the female NightWing.

"Oh please, I know you've missed me, no mater how much you try to deny it." She walked around him, her wings twitching lightly. After she circled him twice, she stopped and looked towards the group of NightWing's. "Everyone can get settled for now. We'll soon be off to inform the rest of our tribe of our rebuilding." She announced.

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